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Student Government Association

Mission Statement

We, the members of the Student Government Association (SGA), in the belief that the student voice and the exchange of ideas is an integral part of the university community, seek to represent the vision of the student body and uphold the best interests of the students and members of the Heritage College.

The purposes of Student Government are listed in Article III.

Table of Contents

Article LinkArticle Title
ARTICLE IDeclaration
ARTICLE IIIObjectives of the Student Government Association (SGA)
ARTICLE VSGA Officer Positions
ARTICLE VISGA Officers, Class Officers, and Student Organization Elections and Terms
ARTICLE VIIDuties of SGA Officers
ARTICLE VIIIClass Officers
ARTICLE IXClass Officers: Elections and Terms
ARTICLE XDuties of Class Officers
ARTICLE XIElection Process
ARTICLE XIIVacancy or Removal from Office Procedures
ARTICLE XIIIAdditional Committees
ARTICLE XVSGA Events and Activities
ARTICLE XVIRatification

Article I: Declaration

The name of this organization shall be the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine (Heritage College) Student Government Association, hereinafter referred to as the SGA.

Article II: Advisors

The advisors for SGA and Class Officers shall be the Associate Director of Student Events and Leadership on the Athens Campus and the Associate Directors of Student Affairs on the Cleveland and Dublin Campuses.

Article III: Objectives of SGA

Section 1. To act as elected representatives of the student body of Heritage College in all matters concerning the faculty, administration, colleagues, and the immediate and national community.

Section 2. To ascertain and communicate student opinion in matters concerning Heritage College and/or Ohio University.

Section 3. To encourage diversity and professional behavior in the student body.

Section 4. To increase awareness of osteopathic medicine in the public and professional arenas through the coordination of activities that promote national osteopathic initiatives.

Section 5. To oversee all student organizations at the Heritage College.

Article IV: SGA Officers

Section 1. SGA shall be composed of 21 voting SGA officers, 9 voting Class Officers, 1 non-voting SGA officer,12 non-voting Class Officers, and a variable number of non-voting representatives. (See Sections 4 & 5).

Section 2. The voting members of the SGA shall consist of the elected officers of SGA (21 in total).

Section 3. The voting Class Officer members of the SGA shall consist of:

  1. The elected Class Presidents of the second-year classes (3).
  2. The elected Class Presidents and SGA Delegates of the first -year class (6).

Section 4. The non-voting members of the SGA shall consist of the Ohio Graduate Student Senate Department Representative and remaining elected Class Officers (Vice-Presidents and Secretary/Treasurers), who are not required to attend SGA meetings (12).

Section 5. The non-voting representatives to the SGA shall consist of one representative from each Heritage College student organization currently registered with Ohio University. These representatives are considered members of the Presidents’ Association, which will consist of the president of each registered student organization unless another executive board member is elected to participate in their place. Additional non-voting representatives include the Clinical Campus Central Representative and all Clinical Campus Site Representatives (one member for each Clinical Campus) for Years III and IV. Clinical Campuses are defined as specific partnering hospital sites within the state of Ohio where our students spend their third and fourth years of medical school in a clerkship.

Section 6.

A. Any SGA member, including an executive officer, class officer, and/or representative, who is absent from more than two meetings in an academic year will be automatically removed from their position. Excused absences may be granted for medical reasons, religious holidays, family emergencies, and/or mandatory curricular/SGA responsibilities, such as Clinical and Community Experiences, known as CCEs. To be considered for an excused absence from a meeting, the member must provide a written excuse to both the SGA President and Secretary at least 48 hours before the scheduled meeting. Attendance will be taken 15 minutes after the start time of each meeting. Those required to attend who are not present at that time, without prior notification to the respective SGA President, Secretary, and/or student affairs advisor, will be marked as unexcused. In the event of an emergency that occurs less than 48 hours before a meeting, the member must provide the written excuse as soon as possible.

B. The OHIO Graduate Student Senator and Department Representatives are an exception to this policy (Section 6A) due to their extended duties not only to the Heritage College SGA but also to the Ohio University Student Senate; however, it is expected that they will make a good faith effort to participate as much as possible.

C. In case of a member’s removal from their position, an emergency election will be held within two weeks of their dismissal to fill the vacant position. The member who was removed will not be permitted to run again for this position.

Article V: SGA Officer Positions

Section 1. The officers of the SGA shall be

A. Athens President

B. Cleveland President

C. Dublin President

D. Athens Vice President

E. Cleveland Vice President

F. Dublin Vice President

G. Athens Secretary/Treasurer

H. Cleveland Secretary/Treasurer

I. Dublin Secretary/Treasurer

J. Athens Student Director of Community Outreach

K. Cleveland Student Director of Community Outreach

L. Dublin Student Director of Community Outreach

M. Athens Student Director of Wellness

N. Cleveland Student Director of Wellness

O. Dublin Student Director of Wellness

P. Athens Student Diversity and Inclusion Officer

Q. Cleveland Student Diversity and Inclusion Officer

R. Dublin Student Diversity and Inclusion Officer 

S. OHIO Graduate Student Senate Senator

T. Athens Graduate Student Senate Department Representative

U. Cleveland Graduate Student Senate Department Representative

V. Dublin Graduate Student Senate Department Representative

W. SGA Delegate Athens, OMS-I

X. SGA Delegate Cleveland, OMS-I

Y. SGA Delegate Dublin, OMS-I

Z. Clinical Campus Central Representative, Year III

AA. Clinical Campus Central Representative, Year IV

AB. Clinical Campus Site Representatives, Year III (one for each clinical campus site)

AC. Clinical Campus Site Representatives, Year IV (one for each clinical campus site)

Section 2. Officer candidacy requirements:

A. Any member of the student body seeking an SGA position must be academically cleared by the Senior Director of Student Affairs to run.

B. The Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Graduate Student Senate Representative, Community Outreach Representatives, and Student Directors of Wellness of the SGA must be students entering their second year and will be selected by election open to all students Years 1-4 at each Campus. Students Year 3-4 and dual degree students will vote for SGA at the campus where they completed their pre-clinical education.

C. SGA delegates must be selected from students holding Year I status and will be elected by the first-year class from their respective campuses.

D. Year III Clinical Campus Site Representatives must be elected from their clinical campus sites soon after their clinical placement is announced. Current Clinical Campus Site Representatives will provide assistance as needed. Clinical Campus Site Representatives will serve until graduation.

E. Student Diversity and Inclusion Officer Representatives must be elected from the SNMA Student Organization executive board and will be decided upon by the SNMA executive board on each respective campus.

Section 3. The SGA Presidents, Vice Presidents, and the Class Presidents shall not (concurrently within their term of office within SGA) hold the office of President or Vice President in their class or in any other organization whose constituency is comprised of Heritage College students. SGA Officers and Class Officers may, however, hold committee positions. This rule is subject to an exemption based on the SGA majority vote. Exemptions are only subject to vote if the club would cease to exist without them or if no other candidates running for that position. The goal of this rule is to prevent over-commitment of students and to distribute leadership to other members of the student body.

Article VI: SGA Officers, Class Officers and Student Organization Elections and Terms

Section 1. The election process should be initiated as soon as possible after returning from winter break. SGA Officer elections and Student Diversity and Inclusion Officer selection by each campus' SNMA will be held concurrently, followed by Class Officer elections, followed by Student Organization elections. All elections should be completed prior to March. All newly elected officers are expected to actively participate in the transition of leadership (i.e. officer and Presidents’ Association transition meetings) and shall assume shared responsibilities with the official term of the new officers commencing at the time of the SGA transition meeting in February.

The National President Representative will be elected to represent all three campuses. To qualify for election as National President Representative, each president can apply to a committee consisting of the following previous and newly elected SGA members: Immediate Past Presidents for all three campuses and newly elected Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Student Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Student Director of Wellness, Student Directors of Community Outreach from each campus and Clinical Campus Central Representatives for the rising OMS-III & IV classes. If the rising OMS-III Clinical Campus Central Representative was also the Immediate Past SGA President, they may only vote once.

A. Departing SGA members will retain emeritus status and complete their final responsibilities after March.

B. It is the responsibility of outgoing officers to ensure that incoming officers are trained. All data and materials must be documented and transferred by outgoing officers no later than the end of March.

Section 2. Year I SGA Delegates and Year I Class Officers must be elected by the last week of September and assume full responsibilities upon notification of election results.

Section 3. In the event of a vacancy of the Presidency, the Vice President will assume the role of President. A special election for the role of Vice-President will follow the procedure of the initial annual elections, as specified in Article XI.

Section 4. Vacancies of all other SGA positions must be filled at any time by special election. No one holding an SGA or Class Officer position will be eligible to run for a vacancy. This special election shall follow the procedure of the initial annual elections, as specified in Article XI.

Section 5. If a Class Officer position remains vacant following the preceding year's annual elections, the remaining officers shall assume, under the supervision of the President, the vacant Class Officer's responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution.

Article VII: Duties of SGA Officers

Section 1. All SGA officers must:

A. Attend all SGA meetings

Section 2. National President Representative duties include but are not limited to:

A. The National President Representative shall be responsible for ensuring national representative duties held by each campus SGA President are being fulfilled and communicated appropriately to the student body, staff, faculty, and administration.

B. The National President Representative or appointed proxy shall serve as the non-voting student member of the Heritage College Executive Committee and Budget Planning Subcommittee. 

C. The National President Representative will be the student speaker at the incoming class White Coat convocation in the fall following their election.

D. The National President Representative will give a commencement speech for their respective class upon graduation (exception if the National Representative were to graduate in a different year than their original matriculation year).

E. If the selected National President Representative is not available/changes classes before either event that requires a speech, the Assistant Director, Student Events, and Leadership will oversee the selection of a new speaker.

F. The National President Representative shall maintain the presidential duties at their respective campus as listed below in Section 3. 

G. The National President Representative shall facilitate an introductory meeting with the Osteopathic Heritage Foundation (OHF) in partnership with the Assistant Director, Student Affairs - Dublin.

Section 3. Presidential duties of all campuses include, but are not limited to:

A. Serve as a voting member at the AOA House of Delegates and serve as a member on the OOA Board of Trustees.

B. In collaboration with the Office of Student Affairs, give a presentation in person on your local campus about the Student Government Association at the new student orientation.

C. Preside over all SGA meetings. If the President cannot attend the SGA meeting, they will delegate the meeting operations to a Vice President at their discretion.

D. Serve as an ex-officio member of all SGA committees outlined in Article XIII.

E. Serve as the SGA representative to the college administration at their respective campus.

F. Each campus SGA President will be a voting member of the Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents (COSGP) and serve as a member of the COSGP General Council at national meetings to allow proper representation from all three campuses.

G. Actively train and prepare newly elected SGA presidents to assume responsibilities. The three outgoing SGA President Representatives shall accompany the three President Representative-elects to the Spring COSGP meeting (AACOM Annual Conference).       

H. Execute all activities outlined in Article XV through a partnership with Class and SGA Officers.

I. Serve on the Heritage College Student Doctor of the Year Award selection committee. If the President is nominated for Student Doctor of the Year, then the President shall appoint a replacement.

K. Communicate with the Clinical Campus Central Representative to address any on-campus administrative tasks.

L. Serve on the Constitution Review Committee.

M. Responsible for ensuring that responses to the SGA Student Feedback Form sent to the SGA President email account ( are seen and addressed by the appropriate student representative within 2-4 weeks of response submission.

Section 4. Vice President duties include but are not limited to:

A. Preside over any SGA meeting in the event the President cannot attend. Selection will be made by the President.

B. The Vice Presidents will take part in all, but not limited to, the following responsibilities: Organization Fair, serve as a chair of the Presidents’ Association, and serve as a chair of the Constitution Review Committee.

C. Serve as a voting member of SGA except during the Constitution Review where each SGA Vice President will serve as the Constitution Review committee Chair outlined in Article XIII, Section 1, A.

D. Actively train and prepare newly elected SGA Vice Presidents for assumption of their responsibilities.

E. Carry out duties assigned by the President.

F. Coordinate the annual update of the SGA Constitution in collaboration with Class and SGA Officers.

G. In conjunction with SGA President, serve as a liaison for local chapters of national organizations/professional societies (e.g. OOA, SOMA) in an effort to facilitate strong on-campus relationships.

H. In collaboration with the other SGA vice presidents, present relevant updates and information pertaining to their position during monthly SGA meetings. 

Section 5. Secretary/Treasurer duties include, but are not limited to:

A. In collaboration with the Office of Student Affairs, give a presentation in person on your local campus about the Student Government Association at the new student orientation.

B. Request that all SGA members and Year I and II students provide items for inclusion on the agenda before each SGA meeting. Send an email one week in advance notifying SGA members of scheduled meetings, including dates and times.

C. Be responsible for maintaining all financial records following the requirements on each individual campus. This may include accounting required by Ohio University in relation to Heritage College SGA as a registered student organization and/or submitting the books and all receipts to Ohio University at the end of the spring semester for the books to be audited by the financial affairs administrator.

D. Make financial records available upon request and coordinate financial records with all campuses.

E. Notify SGA members of regularly scheduled and emergency meetings as soon as possible, prepare and distribute approved and finalized SGA meeting minutes, and secure and maintain records of all SGA meetings as well as make them available online.

F. Coordinate all SGA correspondence.

G. Maintain attendance records of all SGA meetings.

H. Assist students and student organizations with applications for SGA Mass Funding/Dean’s Educational Program Request Funds, if necessary.

I. Serve as a voting member of SGA.

J. Carry out duties assigned by the President.

K. Serve on the Constitution Review Committee.

L. In collaboration with the other SGA Secretary/Treasurers, present relevant updates and information pertaining to their position during monthly SGA meetings.

M. Actively train and prepare newly elected SGA Secretary/Treasurer for assumption of their duties.

N. Maintain the list of SGA meetings and publicize information to the student body at-large at least once per semester (utilizing both on- and off-campus communication).

Section 6: Student Director of Community Outreach duties include, but are not limited to:

A. Serve as a voting member of SGA.

B. Work with the Associate Director of the Area Health Education Center and Community Health Programs and Cleveland and Dublin designees as well as campus organizations to coordinate volunteer opportunities for Year I and Year II students.

C. Maintain and administer the TOUCH program at Heritage College under the direction of the National Programs Representative of the COSGP.

D. Serve as their campus' COSGP TOUCH Liaison. 

E. Work with respective campus Associate Director of Student Events and Leadership in Athens/Associate Director of Student Affairs in Dublin and Cleveland to coordinate volunteer opportunities for National Osteopathic Medicine Week.

F. Serve on the Constitution Review Committee.

G. In collaboration with the other Student Directors of Community Outreach, present relevant updates and information pertaining to their position during monthly SGA meetings.

H. Actively train and prepare newly elected SGA Student Director of Community Outreach for the assumption of their responsibilities including approving TOUCH hours.

I. Aid transitioning TOUCH coordinator in planning and executing DO Day of Service.

Section 7: SGA Student Director of Wellness

A. Serve as a voting member of SGA.

B. Coordinate and present the mental wellness portion of the experience to first years and provide student representation during these presentations. 

C. Coordinate Wellness activities with the Health, Wellness, and Resiliency Committee. 

D. Coordinate with the Wellness Committee to inform the student body regarding wellness resources, how to access resources, and other wellness-related activities.

E. Coordinate any other wellness activities for the students with Student Affairs.

F. Coordinate with student interest groups to add wellness components to existing group activities and/or add wellness activities into the student interest group's repertoire.

G. Attend quarterly meetings and coordinate with the Health, Wellness, and Resiliency Committee across all three campuses as well as attend required SGA meetings and meetings with the Deans.

H. Serve as their campus' COSGP Wellness Committee Liaison.

I. Serve on the Constitution Review Committee.

J. In collaboration with the other SGA Student Directors of Wellness, present relevant updates and information pertaining to their position during monthly SGA meetings.

K. Actively train and prepare newly elected SGA Student Director of Wellness for the assumption of their responsibilities.

Section 8: Student Diversity and Inclusion Officer duties include, but are not limited to: 

A. Facilitate a well-rounded approach to Diversity and Inclusion at Heritage College by serving as a liaison between SGA, SNMA, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion on each respective campus. 

B. Coordinate with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion's efforts, advocate for Underrepresented Minority Students at Heritage College, and meet with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion monthly.

C. Coordinate with Student Organizations during Student Organization training to add inclusion components to existing group activities and/or add diversity/inclusion activities into the Student Organization's repertoire. 

D. Serve as a voting member of SGA.

E. Serve as their campus' COSGP Diversity Liaison.

F. Serve on the Constitution Review Committee.

G. In collaboration with the other Student Diversity and Inclusion Officers, present relevant updates and information pertaining to their position during monthly SGA meetings.

H. Actively train and prepare newly elected SGA Student Diversity and Inclusion Officers for the assumption of their responsibilities.

Section 9. OHIO Graduate Student Senator duties include but are not limited to:

A. Serve as a voting member of SGA.

B. Preserve the professional, community, and academic interests of the  Heritage College constituency as a senator in the OHIO Graduate Student Senate and serve as a liaison between the senate and Heritage College SGA. 

C. Advocate for and advertise Heritage College and its events/fundraisers to the OHIO Graduate Student Senate members to increase visibility. 

D. Circulate a copy of OHIOMedicine, medical school press releases, and other noteworthy items to OHIO Graduate Student Senate members to improve the visibility of the medical school and the cognizance of quality medical education possibilities at Heritage College when appropriate. 

E. Serve on at least two Graduate Student Senate committees or Ohio University standing committees as determined by the Graduate Student Senate Executive Council.

F. Assume any remaining duties as set forth by the Ohio University Graduate Student Senate.

G. Notify the Heritage College student body of events and opportunities at Ohio University as they arise.

H. Serve on the Constitution Review Committee.

I. Present relevant updates and information pertaining to their position during monthly SGA meetings in coordination with the OHIO Graduate Student Senator.

J. Actively train and prepare newly elected SGA Ohio Graduate Student Senate Senator for the assumption of their responsibilities.

Section 10: OHIO Graduate Student Senate Department Representative

A. Serve as a voting member of SGA. 

B. Preserve the professional, community, and academic interest of the Heritage College constituency as a department representative in the OHIO Graduate Student Senate and serve as a liaison between the senate and Heritage College SGA.

C. Advocate for and advertise Heritage College and its events/fundraisers to the OHIO Graduate Student Senate members to increase visibility.

D. Circulate a copy of OHIOMedicine, medical school press releases, and other noteworthy items to OHIO Graduate Student Senate to improve the visibility of the medical school and the cognizance of quality medical education possibilities at Heritage College when appropriate.

E. Serve on at least one Graduate Student Senate committee or Ohio University standing committees as determined by the Graduate Student Senate Executive Council.

F. Assume any remaining duties as set forth by the Ohio University Graduate Student Senate.

G. Notify the Heritage College student body of events and opportunities at Ohio University as they arise.

H. Serve of the SGA Constitution Review Committee.

I. Present relevant updates and information pertaining to their position during monthly SGA meetings in coordination with the OHIO Graduate Student Senate Senator.

J. Actively train and prepare newly elected SGA OHIO Graduate Student Senate Department Representatives for the assumption of their responsibilities.

Section 11: SGA Delegates' duties include, but are not limited to:

A. Serve and assist first-year class officers in fulfillment of duties, as needed.

B. Serve as a voting member of SGA until the SGA Transition Meeting.

C. Serve as a member of the Constitution Review Committee.

D. Attend both SGA meetings and Class Officer meetings.

E.  In collaboration with the other SGA delegates, present relevant updates and information pertaining to their position during monthly SGA meetings.

F. Initiate endeavors that fulfill the needs of first-year students in coordination with the Student Affairs offices.

G. Attend COSGP Virtual Winter Business Meeting.

Section 12. Clinical Campus Central Representative duties include but are not limited to:

A. Serve as the center point of communication for all clinical campus sites and relay information to the current SGA.

B. Meet with Clinical Education Leadership (Director of Clinical Education Operations and Leadership Team)

  1. Serve as contact for all social activities sponsored by the clinical site or graduating class.
  2. Meet with the Leadership Team on a bi-annual basis to keep the team apprised of student issues

C. Advocate for the Year III and IV medical students to the Heritage College Administration.

D. This position will be elected by the student majority of the rising Year III classes before Clinical Campus Site Representative elections occur.

E. Position shall be held until graduation. 

Section 13: Clinical Campus Site Representative duties include, but are not limited to:

A. Serve as spokesperson and liaison for classmates with the clinical campus site administrators.

B. Gather information for the clinical campus site administrators as needed.

C. Assist with and serve as a contact for all social activities sponsored by the clinical site or graduating class.

D. Help in the solicitation of nominations for site-associated awards.

E. Serve as a student representative during clinical campus hospital visits by Heritage College administrative staff.

F. Be available to answer questions from the Year I and II students during the Clinical Campus Hospital Assignment Process meetings.

G. Perform other clinical campus site duties as requested.

H. Position shall be held until graduation. 

Section 14: Immediate Past Presidents - The title of immediate past President is designated for the outgoing Presidents of SGA. The responsibilities of these positions are the following:

A. Provide guidance and leadership to the presidential successor.

B. Be a voting member of the National President Representative selection process.

C. Be available to represent the college at state or national meetings. 

Article VIII: Class Officers

Section 1. The officers of each class shall be:

A. Athens President

B. Cleveland President

C. Dublin President

D. Athens Vice President

E. Cleveland Vice President

F. Dublin Vice President

G. Athens Secretary/Treasurer

H. Cleveland Secretary/Treasurer

I. Dublin Secretary/Treasurer

Section 2. Officer candidacy requirements:

A. Any member of the student body seeking a position as a class officer must be academically cleared by the Senior Director of Student Affairs to run.

B. Candidates for a class office must be members of that class.

Section 3. No Class Officer shall (concurrently with their term of office in the class) hold any office with SGA.

Article IX: Class Officers Elections and Terms

Section 1. The Year I class must elect class officers by the last week in September (see Article XI, Section 2, F).

Section 2. Students in Spring of Year I must elect Class Officers no later than three weeks after the election of SGA (see Article XI, Section 2, F).

Section 3. The Class Officers may run for re-election.

Section 4. The officers elected during Year II will be referred to as the Class of 20XX Officers. The Year II class officers must assume full responsibilities in March and their terms will end on the last day of the spring semester of the following year. Informal responsibilities will be carried out through the graduation of that class.

Section 5. In the event of vacancies of Vice President, Secretary, Secretary/Treasurer, or Treasurer, the position(s) must be filled promptly by special election. No one holding an SGA or Class Officer position is eligible to run for a vacancy. This special election will follow the procedure of the initial annual elections, as specified in Article XI.

Section 6. In the event of a vacancy in the Presidency, the Vice President will assume the role of President. A special election for the role of Vice President will follow the procedure of the initial annual elections, as specified in Article XI.

Article X: Duties of Class Officers

Section 1. Class President duties include, but are not limited to:

A. Preside over all class officer meetings as scheduled.

B. Serve as an ex-officio voting member of the SGA.

C. In the event of a tie, cast a vote regarding class issues only.

D. Actively train and prepare the newly elected Class President for duties.

E. Serve as a contact point in collecting feedback from the student body and sharing results with the student body, faculty, staff, and administration as needed.

F. Coordinate class meetings as needed.

G. Coordinate Board Review company visits or sales on respective campuses.

H. Coordinate Ohio Medicine Sales between Year I and Year II Class Presidents.

I. Sit in on the SDOY selection committee including reviewing blinded essays, applications, and being present for the selection meeting.

J. To assist in the SGA Constitution Review as a voting member or delegate this role to another class officer.

K. Assist the Vice President with social events for the class.

Section 2. Class Vice President duties include, but are not limited to:

A. Preside over class officer meetings in the absence of the Class President.

B. Carry out duties assigned by the Class President.

C. Train incoming class Vice President.

D. Spearhead social events for the class.

E. Assist with other campus responsibilities as needed in coordination with local class officers. 

Section 3. Class Secretary/Treasurer duties include, but are not limited to:

A. Coordinate fundraisers with Class President, including the Ohio Medicine sales.

B. Maintain a current account of class expenditures and obligations.

C. Prepare and distribute written records of approved minutes of all class meetings.

D. Be responsible for all class correspondence.

E. Carry out the duties assigned by the Class President.

F. Assist the Vice President with social events for the class.

G. Train incoming Class Secretary/Treasurer.

Article XI: Election Process

Section 1. Election timing.

A. Fall semester elections for SGA Delegates, and Year I Class Officers are to be held by the last week in September. SGA elections are to be held early spring semester per Article VI, Section 1. Year II Class Officer elections are to be held within three weeks after the election of SGA Officers. Clinical Campus Site Representatives election will be held soon after students are appointed to their clinical campuses.

Section 2. Student Affairs will work with SGA to ensure:

A. The Election dates will be chosen based on the participation of the classes involved in that election, optimizing voter turnout.

B. Student complaints and concerns will be directed to Student Affairs to resolve any special concerns of participants.

C. Election results will be emailed to the student body in a timely manner after the results are tabulated.

D. In the event of a tie, Student Affairs will conduct a run-off election within five days.

Section 3. Separation of SGA and Class Officer Elections:

A. Year II SGA elections must be held a minimum of three weeks before class officer elections.

B. If a candidate loses an SGA election, they may submit a new petition and run for a Class Officer position.

Section 4. Running for an SGA Office:

A. All platforms and petitions shall be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs electronically. No petitions will be accepted after the set deadline. If no petitions are submitted for a particular office an extended deadline will be permitted for that position only.

B. No write-in candidates will be accepted.

Section 5. Campaigning Procedures:

A. Campaigning is prohibited until one week before the election date. This includes the use of posters, flyers, emails, and videos or other non-personal methods of campaigning, including those that involve the expenditure of campaign funds and which name one or more candidates for office.

B. The following campaign practices are examples of items permitted during the official campaigning time frame: posting flyers, posters, or showing videos. Other creative ideas are encouraged. Any promises and goals mentioned in campaigning will be checked by Student Affairs Advisors before release.

C. Candidates are prohibited from engaging in soliciting votes or support in return for compensation, monetary or otherwise. 

D. Negative campaigning (interpreted by SGA and/or Student Affairs) is prohibited.

E. Any questions, concerns, or disputes will be addressed by Student Affairs.

Section 6. Candidate Presentations:

A. All candidates for the officers' positions will have the opportunity to present their views and opinions posted electronically.

Section 7. Voting Procedures:

A. Elections will take place during a 24-hour period. The electronic ballots will become available at 12 a.m. Eastern Time on the day of the elections and will become inactive at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the same day.

B. Each student shall complete their ballot according to the instructions.

C. The candidate with the majority of the votes turned in for an office will be the designated winner. In cases where only one candidate runs for office, that candidate will be designated the winner and will not be included in the voting process.

D. Any candidate who feels that election procedures were not followed can submit a written complaint to Student Affairs and/or SGA within five days of the election. Student Affairs will then review the complaint. If Student Affairs finds that a serious breach of election procedure occurred, it may choose to nullify all, or part of, the election. If an election is nullified, the committee will select a new date for a repeat election.

Section 8. Voter Eligibility:

A. All members of the student body are eligible to vote for SGA officers from their Pre-Clinical site.

B. Only members of a particular class are eligible to vote for class officers in their class at their respective campuses.

C. Students participating in the Family Medicine or Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) MEAs may vote in the spring semester class officer elections with the class in which they will graduate. This would be the current OMS-III students already selected to become MEAs.


Article XII: Vacancy or Removal from Office

Section 1. Any officer who must remediate year 1 as defined by the Committee on Student Progress will automatically be relieved of their duties before the start of year 2.

Section 2. A vote of No Confidence may be initiated by a student body petition of at least 25% of the represented student body. The SGA voting members can initiate a vote of confidence with a petition of 75% of voting members. In both a student body and/or SGA voting member vote of no confidence situations. A vote of at least 2/3 of the represented student body is required to remove an officer from their office. If the position represents all three campuses, a petition of at least 25% of the student body on each campus is required to initiate a vote of No Confidence, and a vote of at least 2/3 of the student body on each campus is required to remove an officer from their office. The original election process through the Office of Student Affairs will be followed to fill any vacant positions. 

Section 3. An officer can also be removed from their position when a change of student status will not allow them to fulfill their required duties. Any exceptions must be requested and pre-approved with the Associate Director of Student Affairs/Associate Director of Student Events and Leadership on the officer’s campus to ensure that a change to the student’s status will allow for full fulfillment of duties as assigned. The original election process through the Office of Student Affairs will be followed to fill any vacant positions.

Section 4. Any officer may resign from their office for any reason at any time.

Section 5. The office will be filled by new elections as described in the Constitution.

Section 6. Any SGA member or Class Officer who violates the attendance policy without an excused absence will require a meeting with the SGA advisor.

Section 7. In the event the National President Representative position becomes vacant the initial selection committee shall reconvene to choose a new National President Representative from the remaining original applicants.


Article XIII: Additional Committees

Section 1. The following Committees will be appointed by the President of each respective campus:

A. Constitution Review Committee 

  1. The committee will consist of the 15 voting SGA officers, 9 voting Class officers, and 12 non-voting Class Officers as outlined in Article IV, Section 2-3. Non-voting Class Officers are not required to attend committee meetings unless they submit constitution changes for the committee to vote upon.
  2. Each campus SGA Vice President will collectively serve as Committee Chairs for the Constitution Review and in turn will not vote. 
  3. Shall be formed immediately after the first SGA meeting. 
  4. Shall review the SGA Constitution.
  5. The Committee Chair shall present changes to the current SGA for a vote of approval. Following approval, the Committee Chairs shall present changes to the Heritage College student body. 
  6. This process should be completed prior to the start of elections in the spring.


Article XIV: Meetings of SGA

Section 1. Regular meetings:

A. Regular meetings during fall and spring semesters will be held at times to be specified by the Presidents.

B. The SGA Secretary will post an announcement of the regular meeting dates to the on-campus student body one week prior to the meetings. Meetings must be posted on the Student Events Calendar.

C. Attend meetings with campus deans as well as the Executive Dean of the Heritage College throughout the year. 

Section 2. SGA meetings are open to all Heritage College students to voice concerns prior to the beginning of the discussion of the agenda. Students are required to contact the Secretary of their campus to request time 24 hours in advance of the scheduled SGA meeting.

Section 3. Special meetings can be called by the following:

A. Request of any SGA President.

B. Request of the Executive Dean of the Heritage College.

C. Written request of five members of the council or 15 members of the Heritage College student body.

Section 4. Quorum

  1. A quorum of 2/3 of the voting members is required to hold SGA meetings.

Article XV: SGA Events and Activities

Each academic year, SGA organizes and implements the following activities:

Section 1. Year Round:

A. SGA Meetings

B. Campus and Executive Dean's expectations throughout the year

Section 2. Fall Semester:

A. New Student Orientation

B. Student Organization Fair

C. AOA/OOA Presidential Visits (variable)

Section 3. Spring Semester:

A. Constitutional Review

B. Spring Leadership Training Meetings (including Student Organization Training, individual SGA officer training)

C. National Osteopathic Symposium Week

D. Ohio Osteopathic Symposium

Article XVI: Ratification

This constitution shall become effective immediately upon approval by a 2/3 majority of the general vote. The date of ratification shall be noted and made a permanent part of this document.

Article XVII: Amendments

Section 1. Amendments and bylaws to this constitution may be proposed by any member of SGA or by written petition signed by 25% of each on-campus student body of the Heritage College.

Section 2. Amendments shall become effective immediately upon a 2/3 majority vote of the students present at the amendment meeting on campus. The date of amendment shall be noted and made a permanent part of this document.