Connect / Give
Global Health Education
Ohio University Global Health Initiative offers a number of global health programs that promote an understanding of global health issues, increase multicultural awareness and involve students, faculty and staff in research, education and outreach activities both abroad and in immigrant communities in the United States.
Alumni and Friends
Where are You Now?
Near or far, let us know where you are. Simply fill out the form at the link below so we can keep you up to date on what’s happening at Ohio University, invite you to special events at the Heritage College and make sure you get access to all the perks of being a Bobcat.
Stay Connected Long After You Leave Campus
The Heritage College offers our alumni and friends many ways to stay in touch, so you’re part of the Heritage College family long after you leave campus.
Other Ways to Connect
Participate in a Clinical Trial
The Heritage College's Clinical and Translational Research Unit (CTRU) conducts clinical studies that are at the forefront of advances in health care. The CTRU offers many opportunities for those living in Athens and surrounding areas to get involved in research happening in their own back yard.
Apply to be a Standardized Patient
Our Clinical Training and Assessment Centers on the Athens, Dublin and Cleveland campuses need people willing to serve as patients to help teach first-year and second-year medical students the skills they'll need in interacting with patients.
Support the Body Donor Program
Our Body Donor Program enables people to donate their bodies after their passing, as a way of furthering medical education and research. These selfless donations are invaluable to the training of future physicians and other health care professionals.
Help Us Accomplish Our Mission
If you have given and continue to give to the Heritage College, thank you. If you are considering making a donation, know that each gift, no matter how small, ensures the college's excellence today and tomorrow.
Social Media
Follow the Heritage College
Find us on social media to stay connected with the events and news happening on our campuses.
Heritage College Apparel
The Bobcat Store
Find the Heritage College apparel you need to support the Bobcats! Proceeds from our online store benefit the college. The Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Society of Alumni and Friends promotes and advances the mission of the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine and the osteopathic profession through scholarships, endowments, recruitment and leadership.