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Medical students write on clipboards in their whitecoats
Pre-Medical Education

Premedical Education

Most medical students begin their journey toward becoming a physician long before they apply to medical school. That’s why the Heritage College offers a wide range of premedical education opportunities that can start you down your own path. Whether you’re a high school student dreaming of becoming a doctor, or a college undergraduate wondering what medical school is like, we have a program for you.

  • Summer Programs

    Heritage College offers several opportunities available to students in the summertime, including research fellowships and experiences, summer scholars and more.

  • High School Programs

    The Medical Academy is a year-long program of innovative health careers discovery for central Ohio high school juniors and seniors.

  • Early Assurance Program

    In as few as 7 years, students can earn their undergraduate degree from an EAP partner school and their Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from the Heritage College.

  • PreDOC

    PreDOC is a nationwide student organization with the purpose of educating premed students about osteopathic medicine and the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. PreDOC meets every month during the academic year, both in-person on our campuses and virtually.

Additional Programs

More educational opportunities to explore before medical school

  • Undergraduate Pre-Medical Degrees

    There is no one perfect major for applying to health professions programs, so choose to major in what you love to study. You can incorporate the science prerequisites for health professions into any major.

  • AmeriCorps

    COMCorps members create and support social and physical environments that promote good health and wellness for all. Major focuses of the program include food insecurity, nutrition education and social connectivity.

  • Post-Baccalaureate Program

    The Post-Baccalaureate Program gives a select number of high-potential students on our medical school admissions waiting list an opportunity to gain admission to Heritage College.

  • Pre-Matriculation Program

    Pre-Matriculation is a 4-week accelerated introduction to the medical school experience for Post-Baccalaureate participants and other mission-aligned entering medical students.