Financial Aid Checklist
How do I apply for financial aid for the 2024-2025 academic year?

Financial Aid Checklist
Financing a medical education is an expensive proposition. Although the primary responsibility for paying for your medical education lies with you, the majority of the Heritage College student body relies on some form of financial aid to fund all or part of their educational costs. The process of applying for financial aid can be confusing and can vary from school to school. We are here to assist you with each step of the process.
What is the refund date for my financial aid in 2024-25?
4th year: Summer - May 10, 2024; Fall - August 23, 2024; Spring - January 10, 2025
3rd year: Summer - June 21, 2024; Fall - August 23, 2024; Spring - January 10, 2025
2nd year: Fall - August 23, 2024; Spring - January 10, 2025
1st year: Fall - August 23, 2024; Spring - January 10, 2025
Special presentations for the Class of 2028
Watch this presentation when applying for financial aid for 2024-2025.
Step 1
Complete the FAFSA
(Required for all students)
- Be sure to use the correct code for the Heritage College: E00306
- This is required to be eligible for all student loans and most of the scholarships.
FAFSA Application
Step 2
Complete a Stafford Loan Master Promissory Note for the Federal Loan program.
(Required for Class of 2028 or a student who did not borrow Stafford Loans while attending the Heritage College)
When you log in, you will be prompted to select a school from the list of schools in the state of Ohio. We are listed as "College of Osteopathic Medicine" (without the word Ohio before it). Do not select Ohio University because that is the main campus promissory note.
Complete MPN
Step 3
Complete the entrance interview - Part I "Entrance Counseling"
(Required for Class of 2028 or a student who has not borrowed Stafford Loans while attending the Heritage College)
When you log in, you will be prompted to select a school from the list of schools in the state of Ohio. We are listed as "College of Osteopathic Medicine" (without the word Ohio before it). The next box is "select student type"; choose the "graduate or professional student" box.
This step takes approximately 20 minutes. Hint - print the confirmation sheet and keep it in case we do not receive the electronic notification.
Entrance Counseling
Step 4
Complete the entrance interview - Part II "Eye Opener"
(Required for Classes of 2027 & 2028 or a student who has not borrowed Stafford Loans while attending the Heritage College)
This is a financial literacy exercise only and is not a request for Stafford Loans. Your OHIO ID is required for this exercise. The admissions office should have provided this to you. If you haven't received your OHIO ID, contact the Office of Admissions.
Eye Opener
Step 5
Federal DIRECT Unsubsidized Loan - (Max loan amount automatically awarded) - Please accept/decline/change
All Federal DIRECT unsubsidized loans require award acknowledgment. (Required for all students)
Your Unsubsidized Loan has been awarded up to the maximum unsubsidized annual loan limit. All Federal DIRECT unsubsidized loans require award acknowledgment. Please log in to your student center by clicking on the acknowledgment button below. Once logged in, you must select the Academics tab and then click into your student center. You must select "View Financial Aid" to view your awards. Select “Accept/Decline Award” in your student center to finalize your aid. If you wish to decline your loan or change the amount, you may do so by selecting "Accept/Decline Awards."
Step 6
Heritage College Institutional Scholarships
Apply for the Heritage College institutional scholarships. Look over the list of scholarships, and download the instructions for completing the application (helpful).
OMS 1-4 Scholarship Application
Scholarship list
You may also apply for a Federal DIRECT Grad PLUS Loan
The Federal DIRECT Grad PLUS is another federal student loan available to medical students. The Federal DIRECT Grad PLUS Loan offers a fixed 8.05% interest rate for the current 2023-24 academic year. The Federal DIRECT Grad PLUS Loan allows you to borrow up to the full annual cost of attendance, minus other financial aid received (scholarships, fellowships, grants, federal student loans, private student loans). There is no aggregate Grad PLUS Loan limit. When you log in, you will be prompted to select a school from the list of schools in the state of Ohio. We are listed as "College of Osteopathic Medicine" (without the word Ohio before it). Do not select Ohio University because we are unable to use the Grad Plus application for the main campus.
Set Up Direct Deposit
The Office of the Bursar offers direct deposit as a more convenient means of providing refunds to students. Instead of mailing a check, they will deposit the funds directly into the student's bank account. Enrollment is a two-step process.
Direct Deposit