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Interdepartmental Chairs Evaluation Committee


The voting membership of the Interdepartmental Chairs' Evaluation Committee shall be composed of seven (7) faculty members—one (1) from each department of the college, all of whom are elected by the Heritage College faculty. No department chair or associate chair shall serve on this committee. The terms are staggered three (3) year terms to maintain consistency, with a maximum limit of two (2) consecutive terms. 


Member NameDepartmentTerm End
Jane Broecker, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology 3-year term ends 6/30/2023
Lori Rutter, DOPediatrics 3-year term ends 6/30/2025
Cheryl Hammes, DOOsteopathic Manipulation  3-year term ends 6/30/2025
Laura Hocter-Ousley, DOPrimary Care 3-year term ends 6/30/2023
Joe Bianco, PhD Social Medicine 3-year term ends 6/30/2023
Yuanjie Mao, MD, PhDSpecialty Medicine 3-year term ends 6/30/2024
Tim Cain, PhDBiomedical Sciences 3-year term ends 6/30/2024

Professional staff support: Susan Williams, PhD, associate dean of faculty