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Professional Ethics Committee

Standing Committees


Note: All faculty appointments shall be for a period of two (2) years unless otherwise noted.

The voting membership shall be composed of six faculty members in the Heritage College, unless it is necessary to supplement the committee with faculty from other colleges or regional campuses. At least four members must be tenured tenure track faculty. The other two may be selected from among the untenured tenure track faculty, instructional track faculty or clinical track faculty. Three of the six members of the committee shall be selected by the college's faculty senators. The other three shall be appointed by the executive dean. At least one of the three members appointed by the executive dean must be a physician (M.D. or D.O.).

Members, 2023-2024

NameTitleEnd Term
Mark Berryman, PhDTenure Track, Executive Dean Appointee1st term ends 6/30/24
Graciela Muniz-Terrera, PhDTenure Track, Executive Dean Appointee1st term ends 6/30/25
Devora Shapiro, PhDTenure Track, Executive Dean Appointee1st term ends 6/30/26
Peter Coschigano, PhDTenure Track, Senate Appointee1st term ends 6/30/24
Mary Carneval, DOTenure Track, Senate Appointee1st term ends 6/30/25
Joe Bianco, PhDTenure Track, Senate Appointee; Chair1st term ends 6/30/26

For additional details about the role of this university-based committee, please see the Ohio University Faculty Handbook, page 75.