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Vacation time for administrators should be requested through My Personal Information: Absence Management. AFSCME 1699 and AFSMCE 3200 members report approved vacation time in WorkForce.


Twelve-month administrative appointments earn vacation time at the rate of one (1) day per pay period for the first 22 pay periods in which they have worked any time, each fiscal year, up to a maximum of twenty-two (22) days per fiscal year.  Refer to Policy #41.001 for further details.

AFSCME 1699 & AFSCME 3200

Earned based on years of service and compensable hours reported in pay period. AFSCME members should refer to their Collective Bargaining Agreement for further details.

Years of ServiceCompensable Hours
Less than 1 yearmust complete initial probationary period before using what has been accrued
After 1 year80 hours/ 10 days
After 5 years120 hours/ 15 days
After 10 years160 hours/20 days
After 20 years200 hours/ 25 days


Built into the academic schedule.