Retirement Providers
Visit the Retirement Plan Options page for an overview of ARP and State Retirement Plans including comparison charts, contributions, plan limits and Social Security implications.
The following companies are approved retirement providers for eligible Ohio University faculty and staff. The Fee Comparison Chart [PDF] lists the plan recording keeping and plan administration fees.
Corebridge Financial |
| (614) 436-4551
| ARP 401a
| Carol Rodgers-Rivir
| (859) 630-2226
| ARP 401a 403b 457 |
VOYA Financial Services
| Danette Carr
| (740) 447-9785 (740) 597-2859 (740) 357-3321 Schedule an Appointment | ARP 401a 403b 457 |
| Enrollment Hotline
| 1-877-277-6446
| ARP 401a TIAA Access Codes
Ohio Deferred Compensation | Jason Brown
| (740) 701-6994
| 457
OPERS- Ohio Public Employees Retirement System | 1-800-222-7377 | State plan for non-faculty staff. | |
STRS- State Teachers Retirement System | 1-888-227-7877 | State plan for faculty. |