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Justine Thomas

Justine Thomas



Justine Thomas

MFA Film Student

Justine grew up in Chelsea, Michigan. In high school, she took an interest in the creative classes, like Literature, Creative Writing and Drama. She attended Hope College in Holland, Michigan, as her ungrad. She majored in English with a Creative Writing emphasis and later added minors Classical Studies and Communication. It was in her Communication courses that she finally realized her true passion was filmmaking. Since finding this passion, Justine has won first place in the Hope College Communication Department’s Screenplay Competition her junior and senior years. Her proudest works are Hushed Voices and Remembrance. Hushed Voices is a 30-minute documentary about LGBTQ+ students at Hope College, a school with a published anti-homosexuality sexuality statement. Remembrance is an 18-minute short romantic thriller written, edited, and directed by Justine. Now as an MFA Film student at Ohio University, Justine is hoping to get a greater grasp over the technical aspects of filmmaking while strengthening her skills as a storyteller.