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Explore Our Videos and Podcasts

Much of the work of the Infectious and Tropical Disease Institute has been chronicled in our multimedia library. Please explore this rich collection.

Browse through a collection of short multimedia pieces created by participants in ITDI projects about their experiences in the field.

H3L Daily Report

Short videos created from the field during the 2019 Community-Based Tropical Disease Research and Service Learning program. With funding from an 1804 grant at Ohio University, teams of students created content for an online campaign about the Healthy Living Initiative in Southern Ecuador.







Chagas Kills

The animations below were created by students with funding from an 1804 grant to highlight the threats of Chagas as part of a fundraising campaign about the Healthy Homes for Healthy Living Project.



Education Abroad

Students who have engaged in our education abroad programs over the years in Ecuador talk about their experiences and what they have learned.