Presenting Research Findings
Heritage College students are strongly encouraged to discuss goals related to research dissemination (e.g., publications and presentations) with their mentors prior to engagement on a research project in order for maintain reasonable expectations. Additionally, students must obtain permission from their mentor prior to submission of abstract, poster, etc. to any conference or publication.
Heritage College Policy 2.22 requires that all students submit all dissemination activities to the Student Portal in Salesforce. Additional information can be found on our Research and Scholarly Activity Registration webpage.
Please note that research and scholarly activities and dissemination activities not registered in Salesforce will not be considered for a designation of Research Distinction on the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE). Details about activities that will be considered for a designation of Research Distinction on the MSPE can be found here.
On-Demand Training Presentations
The on-demand training presentations are available to view for students within the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. To access these presentations, students must log in with their OHIO ID.
Develop an Effective Poster and Presentation
Heritage College Office of Research and Grants Research Poster Resources
The Office of Research and Grants provides research poster templates and a guide to assist students with poster preparation. Students are permitted to have up to two posters printed through the Office of Research and Grants per fiscal year (July 1-June 30) at no cost to them.
Request Poster Editing/Printing
AAMC Presentation Skills Toolkit
This toolkit provides helpful resources for medical students on developing and delivering formal lectures and presentations, poster and oral abstract presentations, patient presentations, and leading small group sessions.
AAMC Presentation Skills Toolkit
Conferences and Conventions
Multiple opportunities and support are available for Heritage College students to present their research findings. In addition to the resources provided below, students should talk with their research mentors to determine the best conferences/conventions to present or journals in which to publish their research.
Local Events
Health Scholars Research Symposium
Ohio University Student Research & Creative Activity Expo
Regional Event
National Events
Publication Resources
JAOA Author Information
OhioLink Open Access (OA) Agreements
“Open Access” (OA) means that scholarly publications are available without subscription paywall barriers, and usually licensed for reuse. See a good primer here.
OhioLINK, Ohio’s academic library consortium, has negotiated deals with publishers that increase the number of journal titles available for faculty and students as well as offer open access publishing at no cost to authors. Authors at most two-year and four-year non-profit colleges and universities in Ohio can increase the availability of their research without any Article Publication Charges (APCs). For an overview of OhioLINK Open Access resources, please see the Open Access for Authors page. For questions about journals and other resources available to you through your institution's library, contact your librarian.
OhioLink's OA Publishing Agreements