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Orthopedic Surgery Club

Student Organizations Athens

Our Mission

The Orthopedic Surgery Club at OU-HCOM is committed to providing first and second year medical students insight into the different specialties within orthopedic surgery. Our mission is to educate our members by providing virtual and hands on learning experiences to the students.

Officers, 2023-2024

President                          Luke DiCicco                                    
Vice President Alex Chang
Secretary Jack Cooney
Treasurer Jim Brown
First-Year Liaison Antonious Karvelas
Advisor Sergio Ulloa, D.O.

Dues: $20 Annually

Services Provided

The Orthopedic Surgery Club at OU-HCOM will provide a service to the Osteopathic profession by providing a new generation of Osteopathic Physician exposure, information, and experience within the specialty of Orthopedic Surgery. The Orthopedic Surgery Club will also provide a service to the community through various philanthropic events including fundraisers and hands-on volunteering within the Athens Community. 

Tentative Schedule for 2023-2024

The Orthopedic Surgery Club will hold 3-4 events per semester, including fundraisers, philanthropic events, meetings with orthopedic surgeons and/or residents, and exposure to clinical practices such as suturing, casting, and "scrubbing-in". In the fall, we will be holding 4 events. The first of which will be held toward the beginning of the semester, around September 14th. The second and third events will be held around October 17th and November 9th, respectively. The fourth and final event will take place around December 1st. We may occasionally hold events jointly with the Surgery and Sports Medicine Club, and the dates above may be subject to change.