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A look back at Commencement

May 11, 2022

This past Saturday, 239 newly-minted Heritage College graduates set out into the world to make their mark as physicians. 'Pride' does not do justice to the deep respect that I have for our Class of 2022. They have demonstrated tremendous resilience and fortitude, thriving in the face of countless challenges. As our first Pathways-trained graduates, they are uniquely prepared for the next phase of their medical training. 

In his commencement address, class speaker Dr. Andrew Williams reflected on the bonds that our graduates have forged as they navigated four tumultuous years together: “We’ve laughed together. We’ve cried together. We’ve sat around the same T.V. stations listening for updates on the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve scrolled the same Instagram feeds witnessing social injustice. Through it all we’ve really become family.” 

In many ways, this is true of our entire Heritage College community. Inevitably, as we work and learn together, we experience life together. And through it all, we've become a family -- a family that is getting very good at overcoming difficulties, I might add! 

As many of you know, I was unable to attend our 2022 Commencement ceremony due to illlness. Not only was this heartbreaking for me, it was also problematic for our staff, given my planned involvement in many commencement week activities. As you all have done countless times over the past four years, our team pivoted on a dime and pulled off one of our most memorable commencement ceremonies yet, despite the absence of several key players. Watching the livestream from afar, I was once again awestruck by our team's ability to overcome obstacle after obstacle on behalf of our students.

I hope that you will join me in taking pause to reflect on the many hurdles that we have overcome in recent years on behalf of medical education. As you peruse the photographs below, I hope you recognize the ways in which you supported our students' journey to graduation.

Thank you for all you do to advance the Heritage College mission. I couldn't ask for a better work family!