Spring Semester Hall Closing
Important Information
To officially check out for spring semester, students must complete the check out process with a Housing staff member and hand in their assigned key(s). Keys must be returned before leaving campus to avoid any charges being assessed for missing/unreturned keys. Students are not able to mail back any unreturned keys to complete the check out process or to reverse any unreturned key charges.
RAs will host a Community Meeting for their floor section to cover all important details about spring semester closing and answer any questions. These meetings will be held April 6-20. Students should check with their RA regarding their specific meeting and its time and location.
All Ohio University residence halls will officially close on Friday, May 2 at 8 p.m. Students must vacate their residence hall within 24 hours of their last exam or by 8 p.m. on Friday, May 2, whichever comes first. All students must properly checkout through a Housing and Residence Life staff member.
Convocation Center residents and residents of South Green are highly encouraged to check out of the residence hall prior to Friday due to security details and traffic congestion created by the Friday commencement ceremonies.
Spring Semester One-Night Extension
Students needing to stay beyond 8 p.m. on Friday, May 2 can request a one-night extension on their Housing Self-Service page to stay until no later than 6 p.m. on Saturday, May 3. The one-night extension request must be submitted no later than 12 p.m. on Friday, May 2 to avoid additional costs.
May Break Housing
Students needing to remain on campus after Saturday, May 3 at 6 p.m. can elect to stay in temporary May break housing that will be in Jefferson Hall. May break housing is available from Saturday, May 3 through Friday, May 9 at which point students not attending summer school must officially check out.
Application Details
Spring Semester One-Night Extension Request
To apply for a spring semester extension, students must complete the Spring Semester One-Night Extension Request on their Housing Self-Service page. The request form can be found by clicking the ‘Contracts/Applications’ tab and selecting Spring Semester One-Night Extension Request. The request will open on April 1 at 9 a.m.
May Break Housing Contract
To apply for May break housing, students must complete the May Break Housing Contract on their Housing Self-Service page.
The application is available March 1 through May 3 at 12 p.m. Reservations are required. To make a reservation, visit your Housing Self-Service, click on the ‘Contracts/Applications’ tab, and select May Break Housing Contract.
Spring Semester Check Out
- A charge of $25 per hour, and every hour after, will be imposed to students who do not vacate the residence halls by 8 p.m. on Friday, May 2 and did not file an extension request.
- A charge of $25 per hour, and every hour after, will be imposed to students who have an approved Spring Semester Extension Request and do not vacate the residence halls by 6 p.m. on Saturday, May 3.
- A $100 minimum fee is charged to students who do not complete the checkout process properly for spring semester check out.
- Unreturned keys are $95 for the lock core change and $10 per unreturned mod key and/or temporary access card. As a reminder, students are not able to mail back unreturned keys to complete the check out process or to reverse any unreturned key charges.
Spring Semester One-Night Extension Request
Approved students will not be assessed any additional charges for the one-night extension as long as they check out by Saturday, May 3 at 6 p.m.
May Break Housing
The cost for May break housing is $30/night or $125/week and will be charged directly to the student's account.
Food Service and Options
The last meal on the meal plan is dinner Friday, May 2.
All residence halls will be collecting nonperishable food items for local food pantries at the end of the semester. Look for bins on the ground floor of your residence hall or see your RA for more details.
All meal plan periods and meal prorations can be found on Culinary' s website.
The last recommended date to have mail delivered to campus should be Friday, April 25.
Mail and packages delivered via USPS will be forwarded to students' home addresses during the summer (if there is a valid forwarding address with the university) unless it is a package delivered via UPS, FedEx, or DHL. Please note that most Amazon packages cannot be forwarded without incurring extra charges from the carrier. Amazon's postage does not typically include forwarding, and the supplementary cost imposed will include additional postage (determined by distance and item size) along with a service fee.
Any packages received from these delivery providers will be sent back to the sender.
TIP: Update your Amazon and any other frequently used sites to your non-campus address to ensure you do not accidentally ship to campus when completing an order. Additionally, if you’re not residing on campus for the summer, be sure to update your forwarding address in your My OHIO Student Center. This will ensure that any mail is properly forwarded to your new address after you move out.
Transportation and Parking
Students may utilize designated 30-minute loading zones and any dark green or purple parking lot during the established move out period. Updates to available lots and lot closures can be found on the Transportation & Parking Services website. Additionally, please expect increased traffic throughout the day on Friday, May 2 due to the graduate commencement ceremony as well as checkouts taking place on campus.
Bromley Residents
Beginning Wednesday, April 30, utilize the parking lot located behind Bromley to load your items prior to checking out with staff. Parking on Congress Street (in front of Bromley) will be strictly prohibited. Students who wait to move out of Bromley on Friday will experience long lines at the elevators and will have difficulty finding convenient parking through the process. Historically more than three-quarters of the building check out of Bromley on Friday. While Housing and Residence Life can assist with the flow of move-in based on floor, due to finals schedules and university activities, it is difficult to schedule a move-out.
Convocation Center Residents
The Convocation Center traffic patterns and parking will be impacted between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Friday, May 2 due to the graduate commencement ceremony. As a resident of the Convocation Center, you and your guests will be subject to extra security as you enter the residential space. If you are unable to check out prior to Friday, it is recommended that you avoid the hours of 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Additionally on Friday, May 2, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. all parking within Convo Lots 127/128 will be converted to ADA parking to support Commencement. An ADA permit will be required to enter the area between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. If arriving during this time, you will be directed to the next available location by Parking and Transportation staff.
South Green Residents
South Green will be impacted by restrictions on traffic and parking along South Green Drive between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Friday, May 2. Parking will not be permitted along roadways or in the grass. Parking will only be allowed in valid marked parking spaces.
Additional Information
24-Hour Quiet Hours For Finals Week
24-hour quiet hours are Sunday, April 27 at 12 p.m. through Friday, May 2 at 8 p.m.
Final exams create higher anxiety levels, so students should study and be considerate of their neighbors. Violations of quiet hours may result in conduct referral and residents may be asked to checkout immediately.
Room Cleaning
Rooms must be free of all belongings and cleaned prior to checking out.
Students are responsible for coordinating the completion of the closing checklist with any roommates/suitemates if they are departing campus at different times.
- Remove all belongings
- Clean the room fully
- Clean the bathroom (suite/apartment style halls only)
- Wipe down all surfaces including desks, dressers, and sink (if applicable)
- Place all donations in designated donation bins/sites
- Take all trash to the dumpster outside of the building
- Remove all food items from the microwave and refrigerator unit
- Defrost the fridge unit and clean the microwave and fridge
- Unplug the microwave and fridge unit and leave doors open, the cord should be put over the front of the refrigerator to prevent the doors from closing
- Set air unit to the temperature listed on the back of room door sign
- Open blinds and close/lock windows
After checking off all items on the checkout list, contact a staff member to complete the checkout process, which includes returning your keys.
Work Orders and Damages
The Facilities Management work order system will prioritize work orders completed by students after April 18 at 5 p.m. Only emergency/urgent orders after this date will be processed.
Staff will check rooms and assess for any damage beyond natural wear and tear. If a student needs to appeal a housing damage bill or other miscellaneous housing charges (i.e. – Key Core, Lost Keys, etc.) they can do so by completing the appeal form.
Donation stations will be available close to the end of the semester in various locations.
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