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Office of Information Technology

Office of Information Technology


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Teaching and Learning Technologies Advisory Community Tuesday, February 18 2:00 PM — 3:00 PM

The Teaching and Learning Technologies Advisory Community is open to OHIO students, faculty, and staff who have an interest in t...

OHIO Digital Accessibility Network (OHIO-DAN) Monthly Meeting Thursday, February 27 4:00 PM — 5:00 PM

The OHIO Digital Accessibility Network (OHIO-DAN) is a passionate group of volunteers at Ohio University, committed to breaking do...

Teaching and Learning Technologies Advisory Community Tuesday, March 18 4:00 PM

The Teaching and Learning Technologies Advisory Community is open to OHIO students, faculty, and staff who have an interest in t...

System Status

    Ohio University’s Office of Information Technology (OIT), is conducting a strategic review of OHIO’s lecture capture and video tools, including Panopto and VoiceThread.
    The demonstrations will provide overviews of each Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system’s functionality and how they might support OHIO’s needs for human resources, finance and student administration. 
    Ohio University President Lori Stewart Gonzalez hosted the third “University Updates” event of the academic year on Wednesday, Jan. 22.
    The first session will be held Feb. 25, from 8:30 – 10 a.m., and a second session will take place on March 27, from 2:30 – 4 p.m.
    Ohio University's Digital Accessibility Team invites faculty and staff to February’s “The Accessibility Habit” session, which will explore how accessible colors improve digital content for everyone.
    The first phase of the ERP modernization initiative will update key technology systems and business processes in finance and human resources.
    This spring semester, Ohio University is continuing its transition to Canvas, the University’s new learning management system (LMS).
    This spring semester, Ohio University will continue its transition to Canvas as our new learning management system (LMS).
    Representatives from Canvas will be leading various workshops on the Lancaster, Athens and Chillicothe campuses Jan. 6-8, 2025.
    The new year is the perfect time to build habits that make a difference. This January, you are invited to join a project that strengthens your professional skills while enhancing accessibility at OHIO.