Ohio University Conference Services

Conference Services

aerial view of Athens campus with green overlay and Conference Services written on the image

Conference Services Look Book

aerial view of campus with text on the photo

Conference Services Look Book

aerial view of College Gate and Court Street with 'No One Simply passes through here. written on the image

Conference Services Look Book

Walter Hall Rotunda and another image of students walking near Emeriti Park

Conference Services Look Book

aerial view of South Green from the Hocking river with text on the right side

Conference Services Look Book

aerial view of Uptown Athens

Conference Services Look Book

Memorial Auditorium performance of a jazz band and text about Conference Services on the right

Conference Services Look Book

Galbreath Chapel and another photo of people in Walter Rotunda for an event

Conference Services Look Book

an event set up in Baker Ballroom (tables and chairs with darker lighting)

Conference Services Look Book

students eating from a buffet in Baker Ballroom, another picture of a speaker in Baker Ballroom and last picture of a female addressing a crowd in Baker Ballroom

Conference Services Look Book

a lone bicyclist on the bike trail with cherry blossom trees in the foreground

Conference Services Look Book

night shot of Court Street and another picture of Emeriti Park in the spring

Conference Services Look Book

Emeriti Park, another picture of a squirrel at the base of a tree with fall foliage, and last picture of students having food prepared in The District dining hall

Conference Services Look Book

event set up in Baker Ballroom and abother picture of a crod of people listening to a presentation about global sales in Baker Ballroom

Conference Services Look Book

an empty view of Memorial Auditorium seats and text about the space to the left side

Conference Services Look Book

Memorial Auditorium view of the seats from the empty stage

Conference Services Look Book

three images of Memorial Auditorium. One is the lobby, the other the hallway, and the other the outside lobby by the ticketing window

Conference Services Look Book

students in a lecture in Morton Hall and the other picture is a student scooping food from a serving tray

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Class Gateway in the summer time

Conference Services Look Book

three images; one of someone putting cheese and salad on their plate from a buffet line, the other of a snowy College Green, and the last of a student walking on a snowy path on College Green

Conference Services Look Book

a classroom in Peden Stadium with text about the space to the right

Conference Services Look Book

empty classroom overlooking the football field at Peden stadium

Conference Services Look Book

students walking on East Green during the fall season and anothe rpicture of an aerial shot of campus overlooking East Green

Conference Services Look Book

three photos; one of the clock tower through fall foliage, another of students walking across Court Street and the other of a snowy OHIO UNIVERSITY clock

Conference Services Look Book

empty chairs at a long table and text about classroom spaces to the left of the image

Conference Services Look Book

two photos of empty chairs in Ellis Hall classrooms

Conference Services Look Book

three photos of Walter classroom spaces. One of desks and chairs, one of theater style setting, and another with table rounds and chairs

Conference Services Look Book

two images of Morton classrooms. The first is a view from the front of the classroom and the other is from the back of the classroom

Conference Services Look Book

three photos- one of a PassionWorks event in Baker Ballroom, one of chairs lined up in a conference room in Baker, and the other of a table set up at an event in Baker Ballroom

Conference Services Look Book

College Green with topography lines and text that says 'So Enter that Daily' written over the image

Conference Services Look Book

participants at tables set for food watching a speaking in Walter Rotunda. Text about the space to the right of the image

Conference Services Look Book

participants at an event in Walter Rotunda for the first photo and the second photo is an outside view of Walter Hall

Conference Services Look Book

Memorial Auditorium from the side at night and also a picture of the tech equipment for the Memorial Auditorium

Conference Services Look Book

three photos- one of Galbreath Chapel, one inside the chapel and one of Memorial Auditorium set up for a wedding

Conference Services Look Book

three photos-one of a close up of a table with glassware, another with the front of Baker University Center, and the other of President Obama on a screen while a speaker addresses the crowd

Conference Services Look Book

College Green buildings with trees in spring season bloom

Conference Services Look Book

Famous for its serene Appalachian Hills, relaxed comfortable lifestyle, and cultural vibrancy, Ohio University is the ideal conference location.

Conference & Event Services would be delighted to plan your next academic, athletic, music, arts, faith, research, or technology-based conference, camp, symposium, or workshop. Our services include comprehensive event and conference planning from conception to completion, ensuring positive experiences for guests. Specifically, we can assist you with: overnight accommodations, event and classroom space, catering and meals and creative enhancements. 

We will work with you in every aspect of planning to meet any special needs or requests you may have.

Submit a request to learn more about hosting your conference at OHIO

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