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Environmental & Plant Biology Internships Process

While most internships are designated for summer, a few are available spring or fall semester, and a few in the Athens area are "commuter" internships done any time, including part-time during an academic semester.

Two institutions—the National Tropical Botanical Garden in Hawaii and Missouri Botanical Garden's Conservation Science Center—offer spring or fall internships.

Formalized Process for Plant Biology Internships

Mid-October—information and recruitment

Nov. 1—Application deadline; subsequent face-to-face or skype interviews by a few host institutions

Nov. 15—Deadline for host institutions to make selections; students notified of placement in first round

Nov. 15-30—Second round of selections as needed

January-March—Orientations, travel and housing arranged

March-April—Students register for fall Internship credits, usually 1 or 2 depending on major and needs (PBIO 4910).

Summer—Students do internships (fall, for National Tropical Botanical Garden in Hawaii, or spring for one internship at Missouri Botanical Garden).

End of summer or early fall?Final performance evaluations sent to Internships Coordinator

Early October—Interns present at Internship Symposium; Internship grades posted at end of summer following internship semester.