2008 Phillips Medal Recipients
Phillips Medal Recipients
2008 Recipients
Anne B. Pope, J.D., co-chairperson, Appalachian Regional Commission
Anne B. Pope, J.D., serves as national co-chairperson of the Appalachian Regional Commission, promoting economic development efforts and initiatives aimed at improving the health of the region's residents. From Tennessee, she is a native Appalachian herself, and she recognizes the vital role that a healthy workforce plays in regional economic development. This understanding helped lead to federal funding for the former Appalachian Rural Health Institute Diabetes Center at Ohio University, which educates thousands of local diabetes patients and conducts research with the goal of better controlling, and ultimately curing, this disease.
Levente G. Batizy, D.O., FACOEP, director of medical education, South Pointe Hospital
Dr. Levente Batizy's skills as an emergency medicine physician and educator have touched the lives of countless Ohioans dealing with a health crisis. His deep commitment to teaching life-saving skills to others led him to establish the first osteopathic emergency medicine residency program in Ohio. For nearly 32 years, he has been dedicated to educating osteopathic medical students and new physicians. He has served as director of medical education at South Pointe Hospital for many years and is a clinical professor for our Centers for Osteopathic Research and Education.
Michael I. Opipari, D.O., FACOI, FAODME, chairman, American Osteopathic Association Council on Postdoctoral Training
Dr. Opipari, an attending physician emeritus of medical oncology with the Detroit Osteopathic Hospital Corporation, has dedicated much of his career to raising the standards and quality of osteopathic graduate medical education programs. He is chairman of the American Osteopathic Association Council on Postdoctoral Training and a Fellow of the Association of Osteopathic Directors of Medical Education. Dr. Opipari's advancement of osteopathic graduate medical education has earned for him a spot in the American Osteopathic Association's 2008 Great Pioneers recognition program.