Purchasing Card Refund Form updated
The Purchasing Card Refund Form has been updated to include the Grants Module, Project-Task-Award (PTA) deposits for expense reimbursement. The Grants Module Deposit Form for Purchasing Card refunds is located on the second tab of the Purchasing Card Refund [Excel] form on the Finance Forms web page.
Please complete the form by entering the following:
Section I: Enter Purchasing Card Information.
Section II: Enter the Total Deposit.
Section III: Enter the following:
- Reason for Refund – explain the reason for the refund for this Concur Report.
- Project number – this is the project number where the expense posted
- Task number – this is the task number where the expense posted
- Award number – this is the award number where the expense posted
- Object code – this is the object code where the expense posted
- Amount of deposit for each PTA
The Bursar’s Office will send the deposit form to the Grants Accounting Office, which will complete a journal entry to apply the expense reimbursement to the PTA.
Questions? Contact Finance Customer Care at financecustomercare@ohio.edu or 740-597-6446.