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Business Matters

July 12, 2024
Critical Year End Close Dates for July and August

Fiscal year close is in full swing! Below you will find the important year-end closing dates for July and August. Each of you serves a critical role in closing the books each year, and we appreciate your time and effort. This helps the University ensure a successful close as well as complete and accurate financial statements.

July 12, 2024
Accounts Payable Accrual Process for FY24 Invoices Received After June 30

If you received goods or services in FY24 but did not send the invoice to accounts payable by the July deadline, an accounts payable accrual Journal Entry (JE) may be necessary to accurately reflect the expense in FY24.

July 12, 2024
Reminder About the 90-Day Accounting Corrections Rule

As we begin a new fiscal year, we wanted to take some time to review the 90-day accounting correction rule, where it comes from, and why it is important. But let’s first begin with a definition.


July 10, 2024
BCB 24.2 Upgrade

BobcatBUY 24.2 upgrade will be released to the campus community on Monday, July 15, 2024. Below is a summary of the changes campus users will experience with this upgrade.

June 11, 2024
Finance Transitioning to the New Ticketing System – TeamDynamics (TDX)

Beginning on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, Finance Customer Care (FCC) will be switching their ticketing system from Footprints 11 to TeamDynamix (TDX). If you currently have a ticket open with FCC that is unresolved, the ticket will be transitioned over to TDX and you will receive a notification.

June 11, 2024
Christopherson Business Travel (CBT) System Change

The Finance department is excited to announce that CBT will be replacing the Global Distribution System (GDS) that feeds travel content (ex., airfare, hotel, rental car, and rail information) into the university’s travel management system, Concur. This migration is scheduled for Monday, July 15th.

June 11, 2024
Setting vacation rules/delegates/proxies in systems

Summer is a great time to take vacation and enjoy some downtime. Unfortunately, summertime also coincides with the University fiscal yearend close process. Therefore, we wanted to share information about how to keep transactions in the systems flowing during yearend while you enjoy that much needed time away!

June 11, 2024
Fiscal Year End – PCard Transactions

All FY24 PCard Transactions (transactions on or prior to 06/30) must be substantiated and submitted for approval in Concur by Friday, July 19th.

June 11, 2024
Sponsored and Internal Awards Overspent Balances and Timely Award Close Out

Sponsored awards, Internal awards and Cost Share awards are maintained in the Grants Accounting module and are not permitted to have overspent balances. It is also critical to close accounts timely to prevent over expenditure and ensure timely financial reporting to external parties.

June 11, 2024
FY25 balances on the OBI dashboard

During the period of time when both FY24 and FY25 are open, the balances appearing as FY25 results are inaccurate. This is because FY24 yearend must be complete and closed, before the roll forward of the FY24 ending balances can occur and load as the FY25 beginning balances for accounts.