History Giving Opportunities
Thank you for wanting to support the History Department. Below is a list of current funds you can support with a gift. Among these, the top needs of the department are currently scholarships and research/travel funds.
General Support
Student Scholarships
- The Roger and Katherine Feinthel History Scholarship
- John and Alexandra Preston Scholarship in History
- Dr. Wilmer C. Harris Memorial Scholarship Fund
- The Carl Gustavson Scholarship in Undergraduate European and/or Russian History
- Philip Bebb Memorial Scholarship Fund
- The Arthur J. and Kathleen A. Marinelli History Scholarship
- Anthony Holland Churchville Memorial Scholarship
- The Elizabeth Grover Beatty Scholarship Fund
- The Jean Finsterwald Sprague Scholarship
Research and Conference Funding
- History Department Research and Publishing Fund
- George H. Lobdell Jr. Graduate Research Fund
- Frederick H. Boston History Fund (Scholarships or research/conference travel funds for students )
- Richard and Karen Harvey History Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Faculty Enhancements
- Costa Lectureship in History
- The Leonard Lazaroff, M.D. Endowment Established in Memory of the Lazaroff Family
Contact Us
If you have questions about giving to the History Department, or if you have interest in establishing a new fund, please contact:
Amanda Blake
Director of Development