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You can meet with a resource person on an individual basis and receive specific help and advice on writing test items using Bloom's taxonomy.

To schedule a consultation you will need to submit a request. Click here to submit a request. Online and face-to-face consultations are available

How to interpret item analysis report?

Click here to view a recorded session on item analysis workshop.

National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME) Resources

Item Writing 101: Multiple-Choice Items with Realistic Clinical Scenarios. The NBOME has created an online course to provide basic training in writing a realistic clinical scenario and single-best-option multiple choice-item. This interactive course includes videos of NBOME's National Faculty Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) as well as responsive assessment activities. Click here for more information.

Access to faculty edition of COMSAE. Heritage college faculty have a limited time opportunity to access the faculty edition of COMSAE. Only 10 “coupon codes” are available. (Note: without the coupon code the cost is $60 to access the COMSAE). In the faculty edition of COMSAE, the faculty member can elect to take the exam timed or untimed. The faculty member will not receive a score report, but will be presented with a sample score report for informational purposes. If you are interested, send an email to

IAMSE Webinars