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Fiscal Year End Reminders

July 27, 2022

Leading up to this year end, we have shared information about FYE in prior Business Matters articles (available on the Business Matters website). 

Here we just want to remind you of remaining key dates for FY22 activity:

JET correction journal entries – all FINAL JET entries (both GL and Grants) must be uploaded by campus by July 28 at 10 PM.

Reminder: in JET both Jun and July are open, so select your accounting period carefully to get activity in the proper year. (

Final PO Close requests due to Purchasing to close for FY22 – Due August 1, by 5:00 PM

We will begin our close processes for June on Aug 1 in preparation for posting Final June Indirect Cost Distribution (IDC) entries on August 2.

To see all Key Year-End Dates - Please see the Finance Operating calendar.

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