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Selection of the Research Adviser & Thesis/Dissertation Committee

Ph.D. graduate students carry out rotations in three research groups during their first semester.

The selection of a research adviser should be accomplished no later than the beginning of the second semester of study.

  • The preferred choice of adviser and indication of all interviews is reported to the Graduate Committee as directed by the graduate chair.
  • The Graduate Committee, in conjunction with the departmental faculty, will consider the student's preferences when assigning research advisers.
  • The grade point average based on chemistry classes taken during the student's first semester must be 3.0 or higher for him/her to join a research group. Exceptions may be granted by the Graduate Committee if the student's GPA is lower than 3.0.
  • In the event that a student is without a research adviser, the graduate chair will work with the student to identify a suitable adviser or an alternate career path.

The student and research adviser will select the members of the thesis/dissertation committee within two semesters after the student has selected a research adviser.

  • The research adviser will be the chairperson of the committee.
  • For Ph.D. candidates, the dissertation committee shall consist of at least four members, including the research adviser and two other departmental faculty (regular, not adjunct), and one must be from the student's major area and the other from outside the major area. The fourth member of the committee must be the graduate faculty representative from outside the department.
  • For M.S. candidates, the thesis committee will consist of at least three members: the research adviser and two other chemistry or biochemistry faculty members, one of whom is from outside the student's major area.