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Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation During University Closures

Throughout the year, Ohio University faculty, staff and students are reminded of the steps they can take to help the University save energy while they are away. University closures are an excellent opportunity to save energy, reduce environmental impacts and minimize costs during the times the University will be closed and classes will not be in session throughout the year.

The Facilities Department, along with the Office of Sustainability, asks for your help before you leave for any University closure, such as Winter Closure or Spring Break:

Energy University Closures

Energy conservation has become ingrained in every part of campus operations and is built into new buildings, major renovation projects, transportation programs and other campus operations. Conservation measures in existing buildings occur during closures, including shutting down the escalators in Baker University Center; a measure that could realize nearly $9,000 in savings annually.

Winter break energy saving tips (2016)

Throughout the year, Ohio University faculty, staff and students are reminded of the steps they can take to help the University save energy while they are away. The upcoming Winter Break Closure provides an excellent opportunity to save energy, reduce environmental impacts and minimize costs during the time the University will be closed and classes will not be in session.

The offices of Facilities Management & Safety and Sustainability ask for your help before you leave for the break:

  • Close and lock all windows; in academic, administrative and residence halls.
  • Turn off and unplug holiday lights and other decorations
  • Turn off all computers, monitors, speakers, and printers*
  • Unplug all chargers, fans, coffee pots, TVs, radios and other items that are plugged into an outlet and can be unplugged without damage
  • Turn off and unplug window air-conditioning units
  • Close blinds and tilt slats upwards
  • Adjust thermostat to a lower temperature: 60°F, if possible (but not completely off)
  • Turn off lights
  • Clean out and unplug small refrigerators, if away for extended period; place old newspaper or a towel under the fridge if water leakage is likely, and prop the door open
  • Take home plants or other items that cannot tolerate fluctuating temperatures

(Temperatures in non-lab spaces can reach as low as 55°F or as high as 85°F before the HVAC system comes on).

Please be advised that temperatures in Ohio University buildings may be cooler or warmer than usual during the Winter Break Closure due to building setbacks.

Energy conservation has become ingrained in every part of campus operations and is built into new buildings, major renovation projects, transportation programs and other campus operations. Conservation measures in existing buildings will be measured, where possible, and results reported after Winter Closure.

Thank you for contributing to OHIO’s energy conservation over the Winter Break Closure.

If you have any questions about energy conservation at the University, please contact: Facilities Management at 593-2911.

*Please consult your System Administrator if you have questions or concerns about powering off equipment during this extended time.

Thank you for contributing to OHIO’s energy conservation during University closures such as Winter Closure, spring break and other holidays/academic breaks.