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Professional Development News

All Ohio University employees are invited to participate in an upcoming training session focused on identifying and responding to mental health in the workplace.

The Center for OHIO Employee Excellence is excited to announce three upcoming workshops. The Center has several workshops planned in collaboration with various campus partners, starting with the first of these partnerships featuring Mac Stricklen, the University Ombudsperson.

Ohio University’s Professional Development Pathways program is pleased to continue its series of supervisory skills workshops. 

Ohio University’s Professional Development Pathways program is pleased to announce a new series of supervisory skills workshops. 

Ohio University’s Professional Development Program (PDP) will be transitioning to Skillsoft’s updated eLearning platform, Percipio, effective June 24, 2022.

Finance has released a new Payment Card Training Module.

The Professional Development Pathways (PDP) Emotional Intelligence course is now available via Microsoft Teams.

A Professional Pathways Customer Service Skills Certificate is now available. This program is designed to improve knowledge and skills associated with building, maintaining, and improving customer service connections and relationships.

University Human Resources, the Division of Diversity and Inclusion, the Office for University Accessibility, Equity and Civil Rights Compliance, and a number of other University stakeholders have partnered to establish new guidelines for recruitment and selection of faculty and staff at OHIO. 

The PDP program offers the Benefits Offerings course to introduce the types of benefits offered to OHIO faculty and staff, the eligibility requirements, and where to find specific resources regarding these benefits.