Bachelor's Degrees in Special Education
The Special Education program offers undergraduate degrees leading to licensure in grades K-12 in the areas listed below. The program centers on the delivery of quality services and the promotion of equitable education for all students.
Major Program Code Intervention Specialist Dual Licensure
For teaching students who receive services and supports under IDEA, including students who have high support needs and students who have low support needs (e.g., specific learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, autism, emotional/behavioral disorders).BS6330
Please note: This is an Athens Campus-based program. Students may complete requirements for the first three semesters of the program at a regional campus, but must transfer to the Athens Campus by spring semester of their sophomore year in order to complete the degree.
Overseas Student Teaching
The Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching (COST) program offers teacher candidates the unique opportunity to live abroad for an entire semester while completing their professional internship. The program offers students professional and personal growth in ways that are increasingly important for living and teaching in the United States. For more information see the Office of Global Opportunities website.