How long do I have to appeal my violation?
All citations must be filed within ten days of the date in which the violation was received.
All citations must be filed within ten days of the date in which the violation was received.
Yes, all violations must be paid in full prior to appeal. Payments may be made online through the Parking Account Portal. In the event that a violation is reduced or waived through the appeal process the customer will receive equivalent reimbursement.
When submitting an appeal you will need to provide your license plate number and the violation number which is located at the top of your physical violation. Customers will be provided the opportunity to share their explanation of why the violation should be considered for appeal. Customers are encouraged to provide any pertinent information or supporting documentation that may be useful to the appeal review process.
Appeals are submitted through the Online Parking Portal. Violation appeals must be submitted electronically; in-person appeals are not conducted. Standard violation appeals undergo an internal review process; citations are evaluated in relation to established appeal criteria. Appeals for vehicle relocations/immobilization fees are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by an external review committee and require supporting documentation. All appeal decisions are final.