Beyond the To-Do List: Bullet Journaling for Academic Success & Wellness Workshop

Start off the semester prepped and ready with University Libraries’ Bullet Journaling workshop on Monday, Jan. 27 in Alden Library room 251 from 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Supplies such as paper, pencils, stickers and washi tape will be provided, and the event is free as well as open to everyone.
Bullet journaling is a customizable note-taking method developed by Ryder Carroll to help with productivity, time management, self-reflection and mindfulness. The Libraries’ staff will teach how to set up and use a bullet journal to track things like academic work, goals and self-care. Known for helping reduce stress and increase feelings of control and focus, it’s the perfect time to try out this method and begin the semester organized and ready.
Historical examples of notebooks and journals from the Mahn Center for Archives & Special Collections will be utilized as inspiration and to give a historical context, such as old almanacs, day books and journals.

Another historical example is the Frank Buhla Collection. Buhla was a magician that thoroughly documented his performance travels, money earned and miscellaneous information in his “Daily Appointment” planners from 1962 to 1972, which are pictured here. Buhla’s planners are just one way that a historical tie can be made to today’s form of bullet journaling, which can also be useful for future researchers.
Greta Suiter, manuscripts archivist, will be hosting the event. Suiter mentioned in an interview that she began bullet journaling as a way to relax and feel calm while also staying organized.
“[In] my life, I use it very minimally, but it is a flexible format,” Suiter said. "There is kind of a menu of popular things that people do with their journal, and you can choose which ones you like.”
Suiter also mentioned that although it may seem a bit intimidating at first, it’s a very flexible method that can be altered to fit each individual's own life and needs.
“There are different ways people have taken the idea and run with it,” Suiter said. “In some ways, you have this productivity edge and functionality to it, but you [also] see practitioners who create elaborate designs and layouts in their bullet journals [by] using a lot of markers and stickers to decorate it so, there are different ways of using and customizing it.”
For more information, contact Greta Suiter, suiter@ohio.edu.