Student employee at front desk with WellWorks member
Dream Job Search Activity

Dream Job Search Activity

Unsure about the direction you want your professional path to take? Certain about your path and want to make sure you're ready to succeed when it comes time to apply for jobs? Just curious about how to improve your professional experiences? Regardless of which question described you, you found the right place! 

The following four-step activity will guide you through a Dream Job Search and support your efforts in writing a Professional Development Plan.




Getting Started

Take your time with this activity! It is intentionally broken down into four separate steps so you can easily complete one step at a time, allowing you to complete the activity in multiple sessions. So, take your time to reflect and have some fun with this! There are no wrong answers. 


You will receive an automated email containing your results upon the completion of each step. Retain these copies for your records (and if your supervisor requested it, please forward your results to your WellWorks supervisor).


Follow the link provided in each step for further instructions and to complete the online form associated with the step. 

Step One: Self-Assessment, Part One

Complete a self-assessment of the common work skills you feel you already possess and the skills you think you need to improve upon.

Complete Step One

Step Two: Dream Job Search

Engage in a Dream Job Search! Think about the type of work you’d like to do and start to research those professional areas. You can start with generic online searches or you can scroll through job boards (such as or Find 3 job postings for jobs that you would love to do at some point in your career. Don’t worry! You don’t need any of the training, skills or experiences listed in these job postings – this is a “DREAM” job search, so have fun with it!

If you’re having fun, you don’t have to stop at three postings. In fact, it is helpful  with long-term planning to find about nine jobs (three jobs that you want within a year, three that you want within five years and three that you want in 10+ years).

Complete Step Two

Step Three: Skill Identification and Self-Assessment, Part Two

For each of the three (or more) job postings you have found, analyze the skills, training and experiences listed in the posting and assess your current skill level with each.


Complete Step Three

Step Four: Professional Development Plan

Compare both self-assessments (from Steps 1 and 3). Then, write up a few paragraphs about anything you have learned about yourself during this process. Us that information to create a professional development plan.

Complete Step Four