Restoring Content From a Previous Version of a Node

The Drupal Web CMS maintains at least 10 versions of most nodes, whether they were saved as Draft or Published. If a node has been updated incorrectly, Publishers are able to revert back to a previous version. Or copy content from a previous version and add to the current version. Below are the steps for both operations.

Reverting to a Previous Version of a Node

  • Select Revisions in the bottom menu of a node.
Revisions tab at bottom of node menu
  • View a previous version version of the node by selecting its date/time stamp in the version list:
Node revisions list
  • To return to the list of node versions, select your browser's back button.
  • When you have identified the version of the node you want to revert to, select its Revert button, then select Revert again on the confirmation screen.
Revert node confirmation message with revert highlighted
  • The previous version is now the current version and appears at the top of the list, along with a message explaining what you just did. Select View to display the new current version of the node.
Node current version with alert message and view option highlighted

Retrieving Content From a Previous Version of a Node

  • Follow the steps above to find the node version containing the text you wish to retrieve.
  • Copy the text, then return to the list of node versions by selecting your browser's back button.
  • Select the date/time stamp of the current version of the node, then open the node for editing.
  • Update content and save changes.