Patton Hall 302P
Dr. Michael Hess holds the B.A. in Social Sciences from Shawnee State University and the M.Ed. in College Student Personnel from Ohio University, with the Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from Ohio University. Dr. Hess teaches courses in the Critical Studies in Educational Foundations program. He also directs The Patton College of Education Undergraduate Honors Programs. His major research interests include social justice, rural Appalachia, democratic leadership, place-based education, qualitative research methodologies and international service learning.
Most Recent Publications:
Lowery, C. L., & Hess, M. E. (2022). One school leader’s storied response to the opioid crisis: A narrative on moral literacy. In L. M. Harter & B. L. Peterson (Eds.), Imagining New Normals…Brave Space-Making Through Storytelling.
Hess, M. E., Lowery, C. L., Hartman, S. L., Kennedy, C., Keifer-Kennedy, M., Kaufman, A., & Coy-McClain, M. P. (2021). Exploring the democratic development of teacher candidates: Mentor teacher perceptions of facilitating spaces in the clinical model. In P. M. Jenlink (Ed.), Clinical Experience and Preservice Teacher Preparation Research. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Musselman, A. E., Lowery, C. L., & Hess, M. E. (2021). Engaging educational leadership and the Coalition of Essential Schools on Appalachian Ohio. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 16(1), 152-169.
Hess, M. E., Lowery, C. L., Fewell, C., & Zaher, G. (2021). Democratic teacher preparation and praxis: Creating active, reflective educators (CARE). Democracy and Education, 29(1), 1-11.
Fewell, C. J., Lowery, C. L., Hess, M. E., Gervason M., Ahrendt, S., Giglio, M. (2021). Experiences of stereotyping and tracking in Appalachia: A case in consolidation and social class. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 24(3), 15-26.
Hartman, S. L., Lowery, C. L., Kennedy, C., Hess, M. E., M. K., Mazid, I., & Coy, M. P. (2021). Student voices: What do children reveal about the impact of clinically based teacher preparation. Peabody Journal of Education, 96(1), 87-98.
Hess, M. E., & Lowery, C. L. (2020). Crisis leadership and the impact of opioids on schools and students: Perspectives of school leaders in rural Appalachia. Educational Leadership Review, 20(1), 126-141.
Hartman, S. L., Hess, M. E., Lowery, C. L., Kennedy, C., Mazid, I., Coy, M. P., Mowrer, C., & Kennedy, M. K. (2020). An examination of time allocation in early childhood teacher candidates’ clinical field placements. Action in Teacher Education, 43(1), 67-84.
Hess, M. E., Lowery, C. L., Olad, R., Fewell, C., Kondrit, T., & Yeager, S. (2019). Resettled Somali Muslim parents’ perceptions of school-community relations. In H. Tran, D. Smith, & D. Buckman (Eds.), Improving education through multi-level community relations and engagement. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Hess, M. E. & Hutchinson, T. J. (2019). A Deweyan faith in democratic education: A teacher’s dedication to ensuring all students are included. In C. L. Lowery & P. M. Jenlink (Eds.), The Handbook of Dewey’ Theory and Practice in Education. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.
Collins, J., Hess, M. E., & Lowery, C. L. (2019). Establishing democratic spaces for teacher practice. Democracy and Education, 12(1), 1-12.
Fewell, C. J., Hess, M. E., & Lowery, C. L. (2019). Twenty Years in the Trenches: A Fight for Equitable and Adequate School Funding in Ohio. Journal of Research Initiatives.4(2), art. 7. https://digitalcommons.uncfsu.edu/jri/vol4/iss2/7/
*Hess, M. E., Casapulla, S., Brust, P., Cicskovskis, K., Lang, J., Macys, K., & Slusher, E. (2018). Localized othering: Understanding regionally and geographically bound stereotypes in Appalachia. The Journal of Appalachian Studies, 24 (1) 8-25.
*Lowery, C. L., Hess, M. E., Hartman, S., Kennedy, C., & Mazid, I. (2018). Establishing partnership spaces: Reflections of educational leaders on founding Professional Development Schools. Educational Leadership Review, 19(1), 92-110.
*Musselman, A. E., Hess, M. E., & Lowery, C. L. (2018). Gaming in the social studies classroom: Student perceptions of learning history with mobile media. Journal of Research Initiatives (4)1, art. 10.
Hess, M. E. (2017). A “creatively maladjusted” teacher responds to neoconservative educational expectations: A case of democratic educational truth. In A. Walker, C. Lowery, C. Thomas (Eds.), Quantum realities: Educational truth telling in an era of alternative facts(pp. 43-57). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
Hess, M. E. (2017). Realities of teaching from a democratic place: A teacher’s liberation. In A. Walker, C. Lowery, C. Thomas (Eds.),Quantum realities: Educational truth telling in an era of alternative facts (pp. 109-122). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
Lowery, C. L., Gautam, C., Hess, M. E., & Mays, C. D. (2017). Rural superintendents as political agents: Grassroots advocacy in Appalachian districts of southeast Ohio. Journal of Research Initiatives, (3)1, art. 4.
Hess, M. E. (2016). Democracy denied: Public education’s most immoral act. In C. Lowery, A. Walker & C. Thomas (Eds.), Un-democratic acts: New departures in society and schools (pp. 61-75). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publications.
Casapulla, S., & Hess, M. E. (2016). Engagement education: A model of community—youth engagement in rural Appalachia. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship 9(2) 42-52.
Hess, M. E., Johnson, J. D., & Reynolds, S. (2014). “A developmental model for educational planning: Democratic rationalities and dispositions.” International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 9(1) 48-57.
Mather, P. C. & Hess, M. E. (2013). Promoting Positive Leadership. In P. Mather & E. Humle (Eds.), Positive psychology and appreciative inquiry in student affairs. New Directions for Student Affairs, n. 143, Fall 2013. San Francisco: CA. Jossey-Bass.
Hess, M. E., & Johnson, J. D. (2010). Teacher perceptions of administrative support for democratic practice: Implications for leadership and planning. Academic Leadership, 8(2), 1-16.
Johnson, J., Hess, M., Larson, W., & Wise, J. (2010). Capital ideas: Understanding various forms of capital and their implications for the work of educational leaders. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 5(2), 1-9.
Johnson, J. D., & Hess, M. E. (2010). Cultivating a space for democratic education and democratic leadership. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 5(4), 1-10.