Howard T. "Ted" Welser

Ph.D.: University of Washington, 2006
Research & Specialization
- Social Structure and Group Processes
- Social Media and Computer Mediated Interaction
- Research Methods
- Social Implications of Technological Change
Courses Taught
- SOC 1000: Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 2020: Exploring Careers in Sociology
- SOC 3500: Elementary Research Techniques
- SOC 4190/5190: Group Processes
- SOC 4500/5500: Data Analysis
- SOC 4950: Sociology Capstone: Social Media & Disinformation
- SOC 6110: Social Media
- SOC 6540: Social Research Methods
Current Publications
Selected Publications
Welser, Howard T., Brenna Helms*, and Tom Vander Ven. “Swipe for your right to party: Gender, social structure, and social media in college drinking” (Forthcoming 2023 at Sociological Focus)
Helm*, Brenna, Thomas Vander Ven, and Howard T. Welser. 2020. “The Electric Hookup: Individual and social risks related to hookup app use among emerging adults.” Michelle Wright (Ed.), "Recent Advances in Digital Media Impacts on Identity, Sexuality, and Relationships,” (pp.1-325). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1063-6
Khan, M. L, Welser, H.T., Cisneros, C.*, Manatong, G.*, and Idris, I.* 2020. “Digital Inequality in the Appalachian Ohio: Understanding how Demographics, Internet Access, and Skills can shape Vital Information Use (VIU)”, Telematics and Informatics, (0)1:30.
Welser, Howard T., Laeeq Khan and Michael Dickard*. 2019. “Digital remediation: social support and online learning communities can help offset rural digital inequality” Information, Communication and Society. 22(5): 717-723.
Welser, Howard T. 2015. “Breaking the iron law of oligarchy: Computational institutions, organizational fidelity, and distributed social control.” Edited by Elisa Bertino and Sorin Adam Matei, Roles, Trust, and Reputation in Social Media Knowledge Markets: Theory and Methods (pp. 121-144) New York: Springer Publishing.
Welser, Howard T. 2012. “The growth of technology and the end of wilderness experience.” Edited by Bruce Martin and Mark Wagstaff, Controversial Issues in Adventure Programming, (pp. 147-155) Champaign IL: Human Kinetics Publishing.
Underwood*, Patrick and Howard T. Welser. 2011. “‘The Internet is here’: Emergent coordination and innovation of protest forms in digital culture.” (pp. 304-311). In ACM proceedings of iConference 2011, Seattle WA.