Christine Mattley

Dr. Christine Mattley, portrait
Associate Professor Emerita of Sociology
Bentley Annex 157

Recent News


Ph.D., Washington State University, 1984

Research & Specialization

Social Psychology with an emphasis on self and identities, Gender, Gender Performance, Sociology of the Body and Embodiment, Sociology of Emotion, Sex Work; Research Methods


Eric A. Wagner Teaching Professorship 2011-14

Courses Taught

  • Soc 2100: Introduction to Social Psychology
  • Soc 3150: Social Identities
  • Soc 3500: Elementary Research Techniques
  • Soc 4160/5160: Society & the Individual
  • Soc 4700/5700: Sociology of Gender
  • Soc 6150: Seminar in Social Psychology
  • Soc 6910: Seminar in Teaching Sociology

Selected Publications

Mattley, Christine, Thomas Vander Ven, Kelly Faust. 2015. “We Get a Lot of Crack Whores”: Official Perceptions of Rural Prostitution in Four Rural Counties.” Journal of Sociology and Social Work. Vol 3, No. 1.

Anderson Cynthia D., Christine Mattley, Valerie Martin Conley, David A. Koonce. 2014. “Community Colleges and the Reproduction of Gender in the Academy: Experiences of Women STEM Faculty.” Advances in Gender Research. Advances in Gender Research: Gender Transformation in the Academy. Vasilikie Demos, Catherine White Berheide, Marcia Texler Segal editors. Bingley, United Kingdom Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Mattley, Christine. 2014. "Phone Sex." Pp 508-5 10 in Encyclopedia of Social Deviance. Heith Copes and Craig Forsyth editors. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Mattley, Christine and Karin Sandell. 2009. "Bodies and Blogs: How Online Users Understand Messages from The Biggest Loser." Invited piece for North Central Sociological Association annual newsletter.

Mattley, Christine. 2005. "Aural Sex: The Politics and Moral Dilemmas of Studying the Social Construction of Fantasy." Pp. 141-156 In The Handbook of Fieldwork. Richard T. Wright and Dick Hobbs (eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Mattley, Christine. 2002. "Voicing Gender: The Performance of Gender in the Context of Phone Sex Lines" in Gendered Sexualities: Advances in Gender Research, Vol. 6, ed. Patricia Gagne and Richard Tewskbury (London, JAI/ Elsevier Science Ltd) pp. 79-102.

Mattley, Christine. 2002. "The Temporality of Emotion: Constructing Past Emotions." Symbolic Interaction: Special Issue on Temporality. Michael A. Katovich editor. Volume 25, (2002), pp 363-378.

Mattley, Christine. 2000. "Seeing Sociologically: Show and Tell Comes to College." In Professing Humanist Sociology. Eds. Glenn A. Goodwin and Martin D. Schwartz. ASA Resource Material for Teaching, Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association.

Mattley, Christine. 2000. "Using Student Journals." In Professing Humanist Sociology. Eds. Glenn A. Goodwin and Martin D. Schwartz. ASA Resource Material for Teaching, Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association.

Mattley, Christine. 1998. "Field Research With Phone Fantasy Workers: Managing The Researcher's Emotions." In Researching Sexual Violence Against Women: Methodological and Personal Considerations. Martin D. Schwartz (ed) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Mattley, Christine and Martin Schwartz. 1998. "The Battered Woman Scale." Invited chapter in Sexuality-Related Measures: A Compendium. Clive Davis, William Yarber, George E. Schreer, Robert Bauserman, and Sandra L. Davis (eds.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Mattley, Christine. 1997. "(Dis) Courtesy Stigma: Fieldwork Among Phone Fantasy Workers." Chapter in Ethnography at the Edge. Jeff Farrell and Mark Hamm (eds) Northeastern University Press.