James K. Lein

Office Hours
Tuesday and Thursday, 1 to 3 p.m., or by appointment
Recent News
Ph.D., Kent State University, 1986
A Little Background Information
My teaching and research interests in geography fall within the interface between physical and human geography. This interface has become defined as "environmental geography."
Within this systematic specialization, my work tends to center on the relationship between land development, resource use and the examination of human impact on the patterns and processes that characterize the physical environment.
Much of the work I do both in research and in teaching relies on the development and application of advanced information technologies, such as Geographic Information Systems, Satellite Image Processing, Computer Modeling & Simulation, and Applied Artificial Intelligence.
- Environmental assessment
- Land resource analysis
- Applied physical
- Remote sensing
Ohio U-view Website
I specialize in the area of applied environmental science and geospatial analysis. My research centers on the exploitation of GISc methods within the context of Remote Sensing, Geospatial Modeling, Geographic Information Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence.
Currently, my research agenda focuses on the application of Remote Sensing and GIS modeling to problems that fall within the topical areas of land resource analysis and sustainability, environmental monitoring/characterization, and environmental decision making. Within this systematic specialization, my research and teaching centers on improving our understanding of the relationships between land development and resource use and the examination of human impact on the patterns and processes that characterize the physical environment.
In my career, I have served as Executive Director of the OhioView Consortium for Remote Sensing Research and Education, President of the Eastern Great Lakes Region, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and the Executive Board of Directors of the Applied Geography Conferences.
Courses Taught
- GEOG 2680: Introduction to GIS and the Mapping Sciences
- GEOG 4660/5660: Principles of Remote Sensing
- GEOG 4670/5670: Advanced Remote Sensing Applications
- GEOG 4710/5710: Quantitative Methods in Geography
- GEOG 4750/5750: GIS Modeling and Landscape Analysis
- Seminar: Topics bridging geospatial analysis and environment/planning
Representative Publications
James K. Lein and Xin Hong (2017) “Fingerprinting Anthropogenic ‘Waste’ Heat Across an Urban Landscape Using Earth Observational Satellite Data”, Advances in Environment and Pollution Research, 1, 2017, 1-15.
James K. Lein (2015) Projecting Regional Sustainability Trends using Geospatial Analytics, Papers in Applied Geography,1, 119-128.
James K. Lein (2014) Toward a Remote Sensing Solution for Regional Sustainability Assessment and Monitoring, Sustainability, 6, 2067-2086.
James Lein, “Hazard Characterization of Induced Seismicity in Eastern Ohio: A Scenario Anlysis Using HAZUS-MH,” Papers of the Applied Geography Conference, (2013), 36, 118-128.
Kropp, W.W. Lein, J.K. (2013) Scenario Analysis for Urban Sustainability Assessment: A Spatial Multicriteria Decision Analysis Approach, Environmental Practice: Journal of the National Association of Environmental Professionals, 15 (2), 133-146.
James K. Lein (2012) Environmental Sensing: Analytical Techniques for Earth Observation, Springer, New York, NY.,334pp
James K. Lein “Deriving Measurement Endpoints Using Moderate Resolution Sensors: Meeting the Monitoring Challenge for Ecological Risk Assessment in Ares Subject to Hydrualic Fracturing, Papers of the Applied Geography Conference, (2012), 35, 27-35
Invited Conference Presentation
On the Feasibility of Satellite-based Waste Heat Extraction at Regional Scales to Support Urban Sustainability Planning. 2nd International Convention on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, Las Vegas, NV, November 8, 2017
Editorial Board Appointments
International Journal of Green Technology, Appointed Fall 2017
Advances in Environment and Pollution Research, Appointed Fall 2017
Selected Student Projects
Penny Morgan, Green Jobs Creation and Sustainable Economic Development in Appalachia
Heather DeWalt, Evaluating 25 Years of Environmental Change Using A Combined Remote Sensing-Earth Trend Modeling Approach: A Northern California Case Study
Benjamin Shender, Geospatial Patterns of Peak Oil Vulnerability in Appalachian Ohio
Walter Kropp, A Spatial Mutlicriteria Decision Analysis Approach for Evaluating Sustainable Development
Matthew Alden, Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Coal Surface Mining and Reclamation in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, 2009
Lyndsey Abel, Evaluating A Method for Measuring Community Vulnerability to Hazards: A Hurricane Case Study in New Orleans