Gabriella Pucci

Year of Entry
Peer Reviewed Publications
Forney, K. J., Horvath, S. A., Pucci, G., & Harris, E. R. (2022). Elevated fullness and bloating as correlates of eating pathology: Implications for screening. Eating disorders, 1–13. Advance online publication.
Pucci, G. & Forney, K. J. (2022). Associations among perceived taste and smell sensitivity, gastrointestinal symptoms, and restrictive eating in a community sample of adults. Eating Behaviors, 46, 101647.
Forney, K. J., Jo, J. H., Pucci, G., & France, C. R. (2021). Validation of a test meal paradigm to experimentally manipulate meal-related fears: A registered report. The International journal of eating disorders, 54(12), 2223–2228.
Varela, R. E., Dupont, R., Kamps, J., Weems, C. F., Niditch, L. A., Beaton, E., & Pucci, G. (2020). Age differences in expression of generalized and social anxiety among youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50, 730–740.
Selected Conference Presentations
Pucci, G. & Forney, K. J. (2022, November). Examining interactions between taste and smell perception and gastrointestinal symptoms and their effect on restrictive eating. Poster presented at the 56th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
Forney, K. J., Pucci, G., Do, C., & Horvath, S. A. (2022, June). Concordance between questionnaire and interview-based diagnoses of atypical anorexia nervosa. Poster presented at the 2022 International Conference on Eating Disorders (Virtual).
Horvath, S. A., Pucci, G., Harris, E. Jo, J., Keel, P. K., & Forney, K. J. (2021, June). Examining negative urgency as a maintenance factor for women previously diagnosed with bulimia nervosa or purging disorder at 10-year follow-up: Longitudinal and concurrent associations. Paper presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders (Virtual).
Pucci, G., Harris, E., Horvath., S. A, & Forney, K. J. (2020, November). The unique contribution of positive affect on body dissatisfaction. Poster session presented at the Obesity and Eating Disorders Special Interest Group Exposition of the 54th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Virtual Meeting.
Pucci, G., Harris, E., Horvath, S., & Forney, K. J. (October, 2020). Positive affect and body dissatisfaction in four samples. Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Virtual Meeting