Adam Fuller

Associate Professor
Morton 561
B.A. Trinity College Dublin, 2007
M.A.S. University of Cambridge, 2008
Ph.D. University of Waterloo 2012
Research Interests
- Operator Algebras
- Multivariate Operator Theory
- Website
My research is in the related fields of Operator Algebras and Multivariate Operator Theory. My work often deals with how algebraic objects (e.g. graphs, semigroups, groupoids) can be used to describe analytic objects (e.g. semicrossed product algebras, C*-algebra embeddings, von Neumann algebra embeddings). One strand of my current research deals largely with operator algebra inclusions and their related dynamics. I have also done recent work in non-commutative Choquet theory.
Selected Publications
- (with M. Hartz and M. Lupini) Boundary representations of operator spaces, and compact rectangular matrix convex sets, submitted (2016). (Preprint)
- (with A.P. Donsig and D.R. Pitts) Von Neumann algebras and extensions of inverse semigroups, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 60 (2017), 57-97. (Article, Preprint)
- (with K.R. Davidson and E.T.A. Kakariadis) Semicrossed Products of Operator Alegbras by semigroups, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 247 (2017), no. 1168. (Article, Preprint)
- (with D. Yang) Nonself-adjoint 2-graph algebras, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (2015), No. 9, 6199-6224. (Article, Preprint)
- (with M. Kennedy) Isometric tuples are hyperreflexive, Indiana University Journal of Mathematics 62, (2013), No. 5, 1679–1689. (Article, Preprint)
- Nonself-adjoint semicrossed products by abelian semigroups, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 65 (2013), no. 4, 768-782. (Article, Preprint)