Node-locking is a Drupal Web CMS feature that protects content

Node-locking is a feature that prevents two editors from making changes in the same node at the same time, which can result in updates being lost.

How does it work?

When a user has a node open for editing, others attempting to edit it are blocked. The editor with control of the node can save changes, but the Save button is deactivated for others. 

What best practices should I follow to avoid problems?
  • Do not leave a node open in editing view unless you are actively editing it.
  • If you open a node for editing and opt against making changes, select “unlock” before navigating away from the page. If you fail to do this and instead (1.) close the browser tab or (2.) click your browser's "back" button, the node will remain blocked to others until the node-locking timeout occurs (2 hours).
  • If a co-worker has a node open that you need to update, ask them to alert you when they are finished with it.
When does a node get locked and how will I know?

Locking happens automatically whenever a user opens a node for editing. A locked node will display one of these alerts:


Editor controlling the node:

Alert message


Editor encountering locked node:

Node lock alert
How does a node get unlocked?
  • Editor controlling node saves changes
  • Editor controlling node unlocks it by selecting “unlock” button
  • Node-locking timeout occurs due to user inactivity (2 hours)
  • System administrator unlocks node (emergencies only)