
Date Effective: June 14, 2017
Date Revised: April 14, 2019
Date Updated: July 23, 2019
Issued By: Patti Barnes
Approved By: Gwyn Scott

Regular Work Uniform expectations

Employees are required to wear the designated Culinary Services uniform during work hours. Uniforms must be well maintained, clean and in good repair. Special events may be an exception to this work rule if approved by the General Manager of the venue. During cleaning day(s), employees may wear black/blue jeans or khaki pants (no sweat pants) and a t-shirt. OHIO University t-shirts are preferred. Employees will not be permitted to wear a t-shirt that promotes alcohol or other unprofessional messages. Interpretation of this work rule will be at management’s discretion. 

BUC, Jefferson Marketplace, and Residential Dining Segment COOKS AND ALL FOOD SERVICE WORKERS

Cooks within the segments listed above and Food Service Workers will wear the prescribed white chef coat. Chef coats must be buttoned during work time with no more than 1 top button undone under normal temperature conditions. Chef coats are not to be tucked in. Long sleeved shirts are permitted to be worn under the uniform but are not permitted to be worn on top of the uniform. Only solid black, grey, white, or OHIO green may be exposed when worn under a chef coat and should be plain in color without décor. It is the responsibility of the employee to maintain the uniform in clean, professional condition.

Pants must be all black, all white, or may be a chef pant with a black and white pattern. Pants must be clean, hemmed, professional looking, and in good repair, and must be durable and non-transparent consisting of a sturdy weave. For example, 100% cotton twill, cotton denim, or a cotton polyester blend.


Cooks, Bakers and the Meat Cutter will wear the prescribed white chef coat or the polo. Chef coats must be buttoned during work time with no more than 1 top button undone under normal temperature conditions. Chef coats are not to be tucked in. Long sleeved shirts are permitted to be worn under the uniform but are not permitted to be worn on top of the uniform. Only solid black, grey, white, or OU green may be exposed when worn under the uniform and should be plain in color without décor. It is the responsibility of the employee to maintain the uniform in clean, professional condition.

Pants must be all black, all white, or may be a chef pant with a black and white pattern. Pants must be clean, hemmed, professional looking, and in good repair, and must be durable and non-transparent consisting of a sturdy weave. For example, 100% cotton twill, cotton denim, or a cotton polyester blend.


Custodial Workers, Stores Clerks, Storekeepers, Equipment Operators and Catering Services Workers will wear the annually issued shirt during operational periods. 

Uniform issued t-shirts are not part of the Culinary Services uniform except during the summer months as described in Article 40, but can be worn under the issued uniform shirt. Long sleeved shirts are permitted to be worn under the uniform shirt, but are not permitted to be worn on top of the uniform. Only solid black, grey, white, or OHIO green may be exposed when worn under a uniform shirt and should be plain in color without décor. Hooded sweatshirts are prohibited from being worn during the normal course of the work day. However, employees who are assigned outside of the building, in coolers, or in freezers may wear outer garments while performing those specific outside duties.

Pants must be blue/black jeans or khaki pants. Pants must be well maintained, clean, hemmed, professional looking, and in good repair and must be durable and non-transparent consisting of a sturdy weave.

Head Covering

Employees must wear either an employee provided hair cover, the designated uniform hat or a black, grey, white or OHIO green OHIO University logoed hat. Hats must be kept clean and in good repair. Cooks, Bakers and Food Service Workers will wear a black or white (or combination of black or white) baker’s cap or hair net. Custodians, Stores Clerks, Stores Keepers, EQ1’s, and Catering Service Workers will wear the uniform designated ball cap or a hair net.


All bargaining unit employees must wear black, brown or white slip resistant shoes or boots. Shoes must be well maintained, clean and in good repair. Slip resistant shoes are identified as such on the sole of the shoe. Employees may be required to show proof of slip resistant sole. As part of our safety initiative, there will be a notation on all incident reports as to whether the employee complied with this policy.


The only classifications permitted to wear shorts are Stores Clerks and Equipment Operator 1 based on management approval throughout the year. Black/Blue jeans, black shorts or khaki shorts are acceptable. Shorts will not be provided, must be clean and in good repair, professional looking, hemmed and no shorter than 4 inches above the knee, must by durable and non-transparent consisting of a sturdy weave. Employees who are permitted and choose to wear shorts must be prepared and ready to work in any weather conditions and will not be provided leave to change. Employees are encouraged to keep a regular work uniform with them at all times.