Clocking In and Out
Clock In/Out Work Rule
Date Effective: January 10, 2018
Date Revised: July 23, 2019
Issued By: Patti Barnes
Approved By: Gwyn Scott
This work rule applies to Bargaining Unit employees who are required to clock in and clock out for their scheduled shift. Employees must clock in and out using their OHIO ID or PID # utilizing the Workforce System. Employees are not permitted to clock another employee in or out as it is a violation of Federal Law.
Employees must clock out when leaving the building beyond 10 feet of any entrance to the building in which they are assigned. If the employee leaves beyond 10 feet of any entrance they must obtain approval by a manager, and if approved, they must clock out and then clock back in (i.e. training, temporary transfers, university functions, university business.)
An example of an exception to this work rule would be if the venue in which the employee is assigned has established a sign in and sign out procedure for tobacco usage. For detailed information refer to OHIO University Policy 44.113, the Smoke and Tobacco Free Policy as employees are not permitted to utilize tobacco on OHIO property.
Employees must use their approved break periods and abide by Article 32, Rest Periods, of the Collective Bargaining and not exceed designated time periods.