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Charlotte Group with OU Flag
Emerging Leaders Program Endorsements


Stories From Our Alumni

Dale Wilson 

Ian Patton  


Kelsey Kuczynski Headshot


People always say that one decision can alter the course of your life completely, and my decision to come to Ohio University did just that in the best way possible. I will always cherish my time at OU, especially in Emerging Leaders.



       Kelsey Kuczynski '22 - Competitive Intelligence Analyst at Hyland

Callie Kuehn Headshot


I joined Emerging Leaders to enhance myself as a leader before entering the workforce, while also understanding how important it is to network and interact with other members in this program and alumni from Ohio University.


       Callie Kuehn '23 - Internship: Ernst & Young



Stephanie Guenther Headshot


I joined Emerging Leaders to have a strong group of fellow business students to learn and grow with and help with internships and job placements. 


Stephanie Guenther ' 23 - Internship: Key Bank


Nick Capretta Headshot


Emerging Leaders challenged me to get out of my comfort zone to improve my public speaking, leadership, and communication skills. Having had this experience along with the positive and encouraging environment has proven to be instrumental in my professional development.

Nick Capretta '21 - Consultant at Infoverity