Copeland Core

A Kickoff to Your College Experience
We’ve developed a sequence of courses that’ll get your business education off to the right start. We call it the Copeland Core.
The Copeland Core consists of a handful of entry-level business courses and a transition course that will expose you to the basic principles of business and assist you with choosing your majors, joining the right student organizations, meeting the college’s academic expectations, and being competitive for career opportunities.
The Copeland Core may be part of your College of Business learning community. (Some students will enroll only in the Core classes and have no linked courses).
As a COB student, you’ll participate in a learning community. Learning communities offer students (who take a common set of courses together) a chance to develop a deeper understanding of course subject matter, build relationships, and engage in meaningful, creative dialog outside of the classroom.
There’s nothing like kicking off your business college experience with new friends and a great start to your academic career.
Business Courses
BA 1000 — Introduction to the College of Business
We’ll show you where to go, who to meet, and what to do during the next four years as a business student. During this course, you’ll explore each major and the student services that are available to you. You’ll also hear from guest speakers, including department chairs and center director who will become a resource in selecting a major, minor or certificate, and student representatives who will show you the countless ways to get involved outside of the classroom.
BA 1100 — Introduction to Business
You’re not expected to know it all. When we were in your shoes, we didn’t either. That’s why you’ll participate in a course that answers the question: what is business? We’ll walk you through the different career paths and teach you the skills you need to be successful in navigating today’s business environment.
Transition Course
First-year COB students:
- UC 1900 — Learning Community Seminar
- The seminar course associated with thematic or discipline-specific learning communities, such as business. Topics may include introduction to disciplinary norms, academic expectations, programs, and research and creative opportunities at Ohio University.
Internal transfer students:
UC 1500 — Student Transition Seminar
- The purpose of this seminar is to assist students in making a successful transition to the College of Business, both academically and personally. This course fosters a sense of belonging and promotes engagement in the curricular and co curricular aspects of a student's academic discipline.