International Business Certificate
Impact and empower the global business environment

Through the International Business Certificate you will learn the basic issues involved with international business. You’ll be prepared to bring a valuable global perspective to the workplace. In addition to course work, this certificate program calls for completion of one approved international experience. Admission is competitive and candidates must apply.
The International Business Certificate is offered by the College of Business' Management Department and administered through CIBED, the college's Center for International Business Education and Development. CIBED was established by the college in response to increasing globalization in business—making it the perfect host for the international business certificate.
The International Business Certificate is open to all students. You do not need to be a College of Business student.
Courses in International Business Certificate
Core Courses & Experience
All students complete the following four courses:
- MGT 3600 — Introduction to International Business: An introductory course to the study of the concepts and institutions associated with the environment in which multinational companies operate, the nature and scope of their operations, and their economic, political, and social impact. (Credit Hours: 3)
- MGT 3650 — International Market Assessment and Entry: Examination of concepts, frameworks and tools for assessing international market opportunities and for selecting and implementing appropriate means of international market entry. (Credit Hours: 3)
- MGT 4640 — Cross-Cultural Leadership & Management: Cross-country and cross-regional survey and analysis of similarities and differences in management systems, processes, and styles, as well as evaluation of changes and their impact on practices and behaviors. (Credit Hours: 3)
- International Business Experience: Students must participate in an approved applied international business experience, working either A) on a business-related assignment in a foreign country or B) on an international business-related assignment, domestically or abroad. Examples of international business experiences include, but are not limited to, Global Consulting Program and OHIO International Consulting Program. Students can claim six credit hours for a 6-weeks or longer experience and three credit hours for an experience that is less than 6-weeks long. (Credit Hours: 3 or 6)
Elective Course (if needed)
Only if your International Business Experience is less than 6 weeks long do you need to complete one of the below courses:
- COMS 4100 — Cross-Cultural Communication: Analysis of processes and communication problems as affected by national cultures; effects of differences in language, values, meaning, perception, and thought. (Credit Hours: 3)
- ECON 3400 — International Trade: International trade patterns, theories of absolute and comparative advantage, classical and modern trade theory, tariffs, quotas, non-tariff barriers, preferential trading arrangements. (Credit Hours: 3)
- ECON 3500 — Developing Economics: This course examines classic and modern theories of economic development and growth, focusing on applications to the developing world. Special topics may include debt, trade, reform, foreign investment, education, health, the role of the state, and international aid. (Credit Hours: 3)
- GEOG 1310 — Globalization & the Developing World: Survey of globalization and its impact on development, international relations, environment, and culture in developing countries worldwide. (Credit Hours: 3)
- GEOG 3290 — World Economic Geography: Geographic survey of the capitalist world economy. Examines the rise and fall of great economic powers, (under)development in the periphery, global economic restructuring, regional blocs, multinational firms, and national governments. (Credit Hours: 3)
- JOUR 4230 — International & Cross-Cultural Advertising: International and cross-cultural advertising concepts, strategies, and executions. Sociocultural, political-legal, economic, and technological issues surrounding advertising practice in today's global and multicultural environment. (Credit Hours: 3)
- MGT 4650 — Transnational Strategy, Organization, and Leadership: This capstone course in international business integrates theoretical and applied managerial concepts, strategies, and organizational practices associated with complex international and multinational organizations; administration of foreign operations; differences and conflicts between domestic and international policies and practices; and integration of cultural, technological, knowledge and organizational management imperatives in complex multinational and international operations. (Credit Hours: 3)
- MKT 4410 — International Marketing: Focuses on understanding the major issues facing international/global marketing managers today through applying marketing principles in the international/global business environment. (Credit Hours: 3)
- POLS 4600 — International Political Economy: Studies efforts by state and non-state actors to organize and institutionalize international politics. Considers classical explanations for why states cooperate to form international institutions and how these wield authority in a world of sovereign states. Examines the rise of non-state actors, including international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), terrorist networks, and transnational religious organizations. Specific cases discussed, including the United Nations; the European Union, ASEAN, and other regional organizations; and various INGOs. (Credit Hours: 3)
- RFPD 4070 — Global Issues in Textile, Retail: This course covers economic factors influencing retail merchandising and fashion product development industries in depth. The influence of international trade and changing technologies are addressed. (Credit Hours: 3)
- SASM 4110 — international Sports Management: Provides relevant theoretical and practical insights from which an undergraduate student can develop a broader awareness and perspective in understanding international sport organizations and business and the practice of business as it intersects with the practice of international sport. (Credit Hours: 3)
Contact Us
For more information about the International Business Certificate, contact Rachida Aïssaoui or Marcelo Cano-Kollman.