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Summer Programs for Kids and High School Students

From the fine arts to health care, explore all that Ohio University offers for kids and teenagers at the Athens and regional campuses.

Note: The following information is from 2024 summer programs. Information on summer 2025 programs is posted as it becomes available.

Other Opportunities


    Terrapin Experiential Learning Opportunity in MD

    Hosted by the College of Arts and Sciences

    When: May 15 - August 7, 2024

    Where: Poplar Island, Maryland

    Apply for an internship working on Poplar Island in Maryland for the summer with diamond-backed terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin)

    What students can look forward to:

    • Participate in field capture and fishery techniques  
    • Work in an ongoing population study learning conservation, restoration, and demographic research tools
    • Observe and handle a variety of different organisms in an estuarine environment
    • Paid positions available through PACE and Experiential Learning
    • 15 May to 7 August, Room and Board included

    Email Dr. Willem Roosenburg for more details!


    OHIO Museum Complex Self-Guided Activities

    The OHIO Museum Complex (OMC) is home to a broad range of self-guided activities for K-12 and general public audiences. An immersive nature gallery on the second floor of Lin Hall houses an exhibition entitled Through the Appalachian Forest, featuring self-guided exploration of connections across nature, art, geography and history—with immersive nature sounds and hands on arts activities that change from week to week.

    Explore OMC’s Outdoor Museum visitor area which begins just outside the front door of the museum, with a pollinator garden and an interpretive trail system that encourages outdoor experiential learning in a beautiful parklike setting spanning 700 acres on The Ridges.

    OMC’s web-based app (mAppAthens) features dozens of tours curated by local experts on a variety of topics, from history to poetry, nature to wellbeing, that enable unique exploration of the campus and community.