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The university has an amazing photo archive with thousands of gorgeous options. Over the years, OHIO photographers have captured major events, campus beauty, and beautiful portraits of facilities.  

We recommend you begin by looking through the extensive photo archive to see if it has what you need. 

Check out the archive

New photos, please.

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Guide to the photo archive

Go to the online archive or directly access the Division archive.

  1. Log in using your OHIO ID.
  2. Click on the Galleries tab found in the top menu bar.
  3. From here, you can navigate through folders and collections or search by keyword through the search bar in the upper right corner.
  4. Keywords can include things like Division of Student Affairs, Campus Recreation, students, fall, Baker University Center, ballroom, Career Fairs.
  5. To search for photos just within the Division of Student Affairs Gallery, click on the Division of Student Affairs gallery folder, the select “In ‘Division of Student Affairs’” in the dropdown menu next to the search bar. 
  6. Select a photo to see the date it was shot, the caption (I/A), the filename and the photographer to credit (I/A).
  7. To download an image, click on the download icon in the lower right corner and choose a download size.