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The following downloadable forms can be printed out, completed, and turned in to the main office or via email attachment to the student's academic adviser. NOTE: these forms also are available in the main office of the JSchool.

Advisor/Track Forms

DARS Change/Specialization Declaration Forms

Students must submit these requests to their academic adviser for approval.

Carr Van Anda Track 


Internship Forms

Minors and Certificates

  • Students in the Scripps College of Communication (JOUR, COMS, VICO, MDIA or ECT) can add (or delete) a minor or certificate using the following link:  To add (or delete) a minor or certificate [Qualtrics]
  • Students who have majors in a different college need to contact the student services office in their college to add the Journalism minor, the Advertising/Public Relations minor or a certificate.
