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Canvas Instructor FAQs 5 - Common Blackboard Features and their Canvas Equivalents

Common Blackboard Features and their Canvas Equivalents

Can instructors add people to their courses in Canvas?

Instructors can add or remove instructors, TAs, and designers from Canvas courses. They can add students to courses as soon as they are admitted, but instructors will not be able to remove them. This is to prevent the accidental loss of data. If a manually added student needs to be removed from a course, instructors can contact Canvas Support for assistance.

Can an instructor send out a class announcement in Canvas?

Yes, instructors can post class announcements in their Canvas course. An additional feature in Canvas announcements is that instructors can allow students to comment or like announcements and can schedule an announcement to post later. However, instructors cannot force an email message to students regarding announcements and cannot set an expiration date for announcements. 

Can an instructor copy a course in Canvas?

Instructors can copy course content such as assignments, modules, pages, and discussions from an existing Canvas course into new or empty courses. Directions for how to copy course content is available in the online Canvas guide. 

Can an instructor merge two courses in Canvas? 

Yes. In Canvas this process is referred to as Cross-Listing rather than merging. Directions for Cross-Listing are available in the OIT Knowledge Base.  

How does the Canvas calendar work?

The Canvas calendar is populated based on dates added to courses by the course instructor, such as assignment/quiz due dates, and to-do items. Both students and instructors have access to the calendar feature for all their enrolled courses and groups. An Instructor Guide to the Calendar is available in the online Canvas guide.  

Can you create a manual grade column in the Canvas gradebook? 

Instructors cannot add a manual grade column directly to the Gradebook in Canvas (as you could in Blackboard). You must create a new assignment, and in the “Submission Type” settings, set to “No Submission.”

Are there any Blackboard features without a Canvas equivalent? 

The Canvas and Blackboard Comparison chart shows a list of features without a direct equivalent, as well as suggested workarounds where possible for items such as glossary, journals, and wikis. 

Does Canvas have a tool to detect plagiarism? 

Turnitin offers an integration called Plagiarism Framework which allows you to use the native Canvas assignment features with the addition of the originality check from Turnitin.

Can an instructor customize the navigation menu in their courses? 

Instructors can re-organize and hide items on the Course Navigation menu. However, navigation menu items cannot be renamed or added in Canvas. 

How can an instructor get a Canvas course shell early so they can start building?

All instructors automatically have one test course available in their Canvas account. Your test course should appear on your Canvas Dashboard and in your Courses tab in the left navigation menu. The course name will include “Instructor Test Course” and your OHIO ID.

Additionally, all instructors of record, including graduate students and staff, can request additional test courses, often called manually created courses. Faculty can also request manually created courses on behalf of graduate teaching assistants or as part of a required teaching assignment for a course.

Create a ticket to request a manually created (test) course and include a description about the purpose of your manually created course(s).