Features and Integrations
Which features are different in Canvas and which are the same from Blackboard?
Which third party integrations, like Turnitin or Panopto, will be available in Canvas?
Will Panopto recordings used in Blackboard be available in Canvas?
Panopto is now available in Canvas with the same features that were available in Blackboard. The Panopto application for Canvas looks and operates differently because it is designed specifically for Canvas. All content you made previously within Panopto should be available within the Panopto for Canvas product, but will require some review or relinking to your new courses. Please visit the Sharing Panopto Content Between Blackboard and Canvas help article for more information.
Can I import Blackboard question pools to Canvas?
There are differences between question pools, banks, and blocks, which are often used interchangeably. We expect most content types to transfer to Canvas. The Office of Instructional Design developed this great guide to walk through how to export and import pools, tests, and rubrics. If you have any difficulty with a specific file type during the import process, please seek help within Canvas. You can start a chat or call their hotline by logging into Canvas at canvas.ohio.edu and selecting "Get Help" from the left navigation menu. OIT can also support you through a consultation to discuss your individual needs for moving course content. You can schedule a consultation through the Canvas Training and Resources webpage.
How do I request a feature or integration in Canvas?
Before requesting an integration, check the list of current third-party integrations to ensure it is not already available.
To request a feature or a new integration (external application or product) in Canvas, please submit a ticket through the Canvas Ticketing Page for feature and integration requests or leverage the vendor technology review form. In the "What kind of Canvas request are you making?" field, select "I am requesting an integration in Canvas".
Which proctoring, student integrity, and anti-cheating tools are available within Canvas?
Given that we have SafeAssign and Turnitin in Blackboard for plagiarism detection, will Canvas be able to check against old submissions from Blackboard?
Turnitin will check submissions made through Turnitin assignments from both Blackboard and Canvas. In Canvas, we will have Turnitin available as the academic integrity product since SafeAssign is a Blackboard-specific feature. To learn more about Turnitin in Canvas, review Creating a Turnitin Assignment in Canvas.
Will the course owners and faculty have the ability to add and remove users in Canvas?
In Canvas, course owners and faculty have the ability to add and remove Designers, Teaching Assistants (TA), and Instructors (which Canvas calls Teachers), and the ability to add but not remove Students from their courses. The reason behind not allowing students to be removed is to prevent students from being accidentally removed from a course that they should be enrolled in and to prevent the potential loss of their submitted data. If a manually added student needs to be removed from a course, that can be done through a request to the OIT Service Desk.
Will Canvas support pushing grades to the Faculty Advising Center so we do not have to enter them manually?
We do not have plans to push grades from Canvas to the Faculty Advising Center.