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Ticket Forms and Fields

Ticket Forms and Fields

Is there a way to see all field options for a dropdown menu?

Several fields have a magnifying glass that allow you to look up all available options. You can also start typing any part of the word you are looking for to narrow your search more quickly.

Is there a way to move the Save button to the bottom of the ticket?

We are not able to move the save button. However, the save button is frozen to the top of the browser window and always visible, with no scrolling required.

Is location a requirement, or is it auto-filled?

It is not auto-filled, but it is also not a required field for most tickets. For tickets where it is important to know the location to resolve the issue, it is a required field.

Can the location fields include the campus to help narrow the search for building and room?

The location fields use source data from WebTMA. Unfortunately, the Location and Room fields are fixed features of TeamDynamix and cannot have dependencies tied to them. 

How were form names and groups determined?

Form names were approved by the Service Owners and are based on the Service Offering/Tool related to the Service. Service Owners were also consulted on group assignments and workflow. Additional groups can be assigned to tickets by submitting a service request using the (Ticketing Portal) TeamDynamix/TDX form.