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Ticketing FAQs

These questions were submitted during the ticketing training and initial launch.


How do I find tickets that are assigned to me or my group?

There are multiple ways to find tickets in TeamDynamix, including through the ticketing application menu, ticketing filters, ticketing reports, and my work application:

Ticketing Application Menu:

Assigned To Me Shows all tickets with status class of “New,” “In Process,” or “On Hold” that the authenticated user is responsible for.  
Note: This shows tickets assigned to you, not tickets assigned to groups in which you are a member. 
Awaiting My Review Shows all tickets with status class of “New,” “In Process,” or “On Hold” that the authenticated user is the reviewer for.  
Note: This shows tickets both assigned to you and to groups in which you are a member. 
Awaiting My Approval Shows all tickets with status class of “New,” “In Process,” or “On Hold” that are in a workflow and the current workflow step requires approval from the authenticated user. 
Awaiting Approval Shows all tickets with status class of “New,” “In Process,” or “On hold” that are in a workflow waiting on approval. 

Ticketing Application Filters:

For any item under “Tickets,” you can use the green filter icon in the upper-right corner to search by multiple attributes, including responsibility.

Green filter button

Once you’ve chosen the filter criteria, click “Apply” at the top of the filter menu.

A green apply button with a magnifying glass icon

This search can be saved and run later by selecting the “My Searches” button.

A menu of green buttons: Actions, Refresh, My Saved Searches, Save Search, and To Excel

Ticketing Reports:

You can also create a custom report for tickets assigned to you or various other attributes. Click +Report at the top of the Ticketing Application menu to create a new report. Watch Creating a ticket report for a tutorial.

My Work Application:

The My Work Application helps you manage the tickets assigned to you with the following fields:

My Approvals  You can see tickets awaiting your approval (either individually or on behalf of a group) in the My Approvals section of the My Work application. For a ticket to appear in My Approvals, it must have workflow assigned. Approvals means there is a pending workflow step for you or your group to act upon, such as escalating to another team, approving, or resolving the ticket.
My Assignments Whenever someone puts your name on a task or other unit of work in TeamDynamix, that work will show up in “My Assignments.” Note that "On Hold" statuses such as Waiting for Customer and Waiting for Vendor will not appear in My Assignments. We recommend adding a date in the "Goes Off Hold" field so that the ticket will reappear in your My Assignments queue.
My Work Things only show up here if you have explicitly indicated that you are working on them by clicking “Add to My Work” from within the My Assignments section. You can also send work back to “My Assignments” if necessary.

For a tutorial, watch the Using the My Work Application video.

How do I manage the tickets assigned to me?

While you can find tickets assigned to you in the ticketing application, the My Work application makes it easier to manage your tickets and other tasks assigned to you. Click on the waffle menu and then My Work to open the application for the first time. Within the My Work application, you can see all of your assigned tickets and approvals, add them to your My Work queue, and sort them by priority. If a ticket is assigned to your team, you can claim it by clicking the green Actions menu and selecting Take Incident or Take Service Request.

Within the ticket application, you can also sort and filter tickets using the green filter button in the upper righthand corner of the screen whenever a list of tickets is displayed. Within a ticket, you can also add an assigned ticket to your queue under the actions menu by choosing Add to My Work.

Can I update tickets directly from an email?

The ticket feed can be updated from an email reply and will generate a new comment, or you can click a link from the email to open the ticket.

TeamDynamix does not support @mentioning someone via email or updating attributes or fields via email. Email monitor rules can be set up to search for keywords in the subject or body of an email, so you can still create tickets using automation rules and workflow from an email.

Can I update tickets directly from Teams?

First you will need to add the TDX app to Teams. You can do this by commenting on a ticket someone else has posted in a chat, or clicking on the three dots under your message bar in Teams to search for the TDX app. You will receive a confirmation chat from the TDX app that prompts you to sign in and associate your Teams account with your TDX account. You may want to pin the TDX app to your Teams message bar for easy access (right-click on the icon in your app search and select "pin.")

After adding the TDX app to Teams, tickets can be pulled into Teams chats or public channels using the TDX app. Search by ticket ID, title, or description to pull it into a chat. It will display the basic information and buttons that allow anyone in the chat to comment on the ticket directly, or click View to open the full ticket. Note that Microsoft does not support apps in private channels at this time.

Screenshots of the process to add the Teams TDX app described above
How can I make sure private comments are not emailed to the customer?

When updating a ticket within the ticketing application, first check the notifications field. If a customer is listed in the notification field, they will receive an email with the comment even if it is marked private. Once the customer is removed from the notification field, they will not receive additional emails until they are added back to the notification field. 

Private comments made through the Teams app will not trigger notification emails.

Refer to the best practice guide for guidance on public and private comments. Public comments should be used when it would provide helpful information to the requestor, and private comments should be reserved for particularly technical troubleshooting. 

How do I move tickets to another ticketing application, such as HCOM?

This capability is limited to the Service Desk. Please route the ticket to the Service Desk and request that they send it to the appropriate ticketing application. As of the initial launch, HCOM is the only other separate ticketing application in TeamDynamix.

Service Desk employees can route to another application by selecting “Move to Application” under the Actions button:

Shows the Action button menu options in TeamDynamix, with "Move to Application" highlighted
How can we see who is CC'ed on tickets submitted via email?

It is not possible to see those CC'ed on a ticket submitted via email. Additional contacts can be added as "additional people to notify" by the service desk or by customers completing the online request form.

What should I do if a ticket is misrouted?

If a ticket has been misrouted, click the Edit button and select Yes under the Misrouted dropdown. Include a note explaining how it was misrouted in the second field that appears. Change the assignee to the person or group it should be routed to, or the Service Desk if you are not sure. If the workflow is incorrect, remove the workflow under the Actions menu. If the workflow needs to be improved for future tickets, submit a (Ticketing Portal) TeamDynamix incident so the TD Admin team can update it. Check the best practice guide for more details.

How do I know who to list as the responsible person or group on a ticket?

Help text will be included on each form that lists the most typical escalation path. If you do not know the responsible person or group, you may assign the ticket to the Service Desk.

Can I change the classification on a ticket (i.e. convert an incident to a service request)?

Yes, you can change the classification on a ticket. If you are in the process of creating a ticket, simply go back up to the form selection field at the top of the page and choose a ticket in the correct classification. Note that the +Choose a Ticket Form button defaults to an incident classification, but service requests are also available in the dropdown menu.

If the ticket has already been created, you must first remove the workflow prior to changing the classification. Under the Actions menu, first select Unassign Workflow, then Edit Classification. Help text with the typical escalation path and workflow will be added to each form to assist in correct routing if workflow is removed.

Tickets created via email will also default to incidents. The best process is being determined for the service desk to assign the correct classification and workflow.

It looks like a new ticket could be started in any status. Shouldn't it always start as new?

Most tickets come in from the Technology Help Center (TDClient) will automatically have a "New" status and cannot be changed by the customer. We cannot "lock" the status in TDNext for agents, but it will still default to "New" and should not be changed unless circumstances require it. There are also a few automation rules that will be applied and may change the status on some tickets.

How can I edit my desktop?

TeamDynamix allows you to create multiple desktops in the global (main) desktop space and a single desktop within each application. OIT is developing a default desktop for the global space that can be used to post announcements and other important information. Please do not edit or delete this desktop, but you are welcome to create any additional desktops for your own personal use.

How can I add a non-OHIO person as the requestor or under "Additional People to Notify?"

The Service Desk will have this capability, using the + (plus) button next to requestor. Campus users will not be able to add non-OHIO people through the client hub; they should include any additional contact information in the description field.

TDNext users can include extra contacts outside of the system when updating a ticket. Add any additional contacts to the Other Email Addresses field.

If the requestor is an external contact, please alert the Service Desk through the Contact Center channel in Teams or call 740-593-1222 and they can quickly get the user added so you can enter the ticket. They will need to know the following:
First Name     
Last Name 
Primary Email
Alert / Notification Email – Same as above. Can be changed to a user’s personal email address if they would prefer.

The ability to add additional users has been limited to the Service Desk at this time to reduce the incidence of duplicate accounts.

Campus users will not be able to add non-OHIO people through the client hub; they should include any additional contact information in the description field.

What if the user's contact information is incorrect or the user would like to be contacted at another email or phone number?

Any additional user information can go into the description field of a ticket. The Service Desk also has the ability to edit the contact information and add an additional contact number if needed. The primary email will still be used by the application by default to send email notifications.

Is there a way to see all field options for a dropdown menu?

Several fields have a magnifying glass that allow you to look up all available options. You can also start typing any part of the word you are looking for to narrow your search more quickly.

Is there a way to move the Save button to the bottom of the ticket?

We are not able to move the save button. However, the save button is frozen to the top of the browser window and always visible, with no scrolling required.

What email address will be used to generate tickets via email?

Campus users may continue to email, which will automatically generate a TeamDynamix ticket. Emails sent from TeamDynamix will come from Technology Help Center ( Users can respond to this email to update a ticket just like in Footprints 12. If a user emails that is not in response to an existing ticket, it will also generate a new ticket, but we will not advertise this contact method at this time.

Is location a requirement, or is it auto-filled?

It is not auto-filled, but it is also not a required field for most tickets. For tickets where it is important to know the location to resolve the issue, it is a required field.

Can the location fields include the campus to help narrow the search for building and room?

The location fields use souce data from WebTMA. Unfortunately, the Location and Room fields are fixed features of TeamDynamix and cannot have dependencies tied to them. 

How were form names and groups determined?

Form names were approved by the Service Owners and are based on the Service Offering/Tool related to the Service. Service Owners were also consulted on group assignments and workflow. Additional groups can be assigned to tickets by submitting a service request using the (Ticketing Portal) TeamDynamix/TDX form.

Have the guidelines for determining the Urgency of an incident changed?

No. They are still based on the current version (at release time) of the ITIL priority matrix.

Does TeamDynamix allow you to tie multiple tickets to a single incident?

At this time, you cannot set up parent/child relationships for tickets. TeamDynamix only allows problem, change, and release tickets to serve as parent tickets with incidents as child tickets, indicating the same root cause. The ability to create parent/child relationships will be available when problem management is implemented. 

How can I set the due date for a ticket?

A due date will appear if a task is added to a ticket. A due date attribute is not included on the standard forms, however. If it is a business requirement, please submit a service request using the (Ticketing Portal) TeamDynamix/TDX form.

Will we be using all of the features covered in the training videos? If not, what features will not be in use?

No, not all features from the videos are part of our implementation. For example, we do not have a Bomgar integration so Generate Bomgar session will not appear. No determinations have been made about using the project management module, so Convert to Project and Convert to Project Request are also not available at this time. Other options only appear for certain classifications of tickets or if they are assigned to you or a group you are a member of, some may appear on some tickets and not others.

How long will Footprints 12 be available?

Footprints 12 tickets will be available in view-only status after July 26, 2021. The FP 12 contract will be renewed through August 2022, and an archive solution based on retention rules will be determined before that time.

The ticket browser window prevents me from seeing the entire ticket. How can I fix this?

Window sizing issues appear to be more common on large monitor screens. We are unable to set the pop-up window attributes, but you can enlarge them on a PC by clicking the windows key plus the up arrow key while the ticket is open.

How will the Technology Help Center evolve over time?

The Technology Help Center will launch to campus users on July 26, 2021 with a single online request form to generate a ticket. Campus users can still contact the service desk via email, phone, chat, or in-person help.

Once the service catalog and knowledge management modules are implemented, those elements will be added to the Technology Help Center and will be searchable by users. Customized forms will be introduced with accompanying help documentation so a user can submit a ticket if the available information does not resolve their issue.

How will tickets generated by web forms be handled in TeamDynamix?

The tickets generated by users on will be routed through the Service Desk, who will apply workflow if needed. The web form does not currently have any workflows connected to it.

Can you add more than one assignee for a ticket?

TeamDynamix does not allow multiple assignees on a ticket, but you can add additional people to notify during ticket creation, or under the people tab once the ticket is created.

How should I manage tasks?

A task can be anything that the Responsible party for a ticket needs assistance with, including but not limited to reviewing a ticket, deleting an item, or creating a snapshot. Tasks can also be used to make a checklist for yourself in order to complete a ticket. You can assign them to yourself as a reminder of what still needs to be completed.

If you've been assigned a task on a ticket, your responsibility is for that task, and the person or group assigned as Responsible for the ticket still works the ticket. Once you've completed the task, you can just update the task.

For more information, watch the Working with Ticket Tasks video.

When should I use the Resolved status, and what happens to those tickets?

If you believe you have solved the issue, the ticket should move to the Resolved status. Tickets with workflow applied will move to a Resolved status when the ticket is updated. If the workflow has not been followed, the agent must manually update the status to Resolved. The Requestor will receive a notification and has 7 calendar days to respond if they believe that the issue has not been resolved.

After 7 days, the request will be closed, and the Requestor will have to open a new ticket if they believe the issue is not resolved. For tickets that were manually moved to a Resolved status, the Service Desk will also manually update the status to Closed.

Refer to the Ticket Status Definitions and Best Practices guide for more details

How do I search for a ticket without the ticket number?

The ticketing application has two different search bars in the upper right corner. The Item ID can be used to find tickets by the Ticket ID or Task ID only. The ID/Search bar can be used to search open tickets by Ticket ID, requestor, or part of the title or description in quotation marks; however the ID/Search bar cannot be used to search by Task ID.

Shows two search bars, one reading Item ID and the other reading ID/Search

When your search term contains a number other than a Ticket or Task ID, use the Text Search field, visible by clicking on the green filter button. A combination of numbers and letters, such as SR-12345, requires quotations, such as "SR-12345." TeamDynamix has listed search improvements high on their list of planned improvements.

Green filter button
A search bar with the words Text Search listed above

If the ticket you are searching for is in a Resolved, Closed, or Cancelled status, click on the green filter button directly below the ID/Search bar and apply all statuses.

Green filter button
A dropdown menu showing the following checked: Select All, New, Open, In Process, Waiting for Customer, Waiting for Vendor, Resolved, Closed, Cancelled
How do I attach files to a ticket and/or a task?

Files can be attached under the general category during ticket creation, or added using the Actions > Update screen. Tasks do not allow an attachment and should be added to the ticket.

How can I add a retiree or emeriti as a requestor?

Emeriti are still considered employees and have access to university resources, including provisioned accounts that can be associated with tickets.  Retirees do not have provisioned accounts, but can be added by the service desk as a requestor. Ohio University should be used as the Acct/Dept for retirees. The classification of emeriti and retiree is assigned by HR and the Emeriti association.

The ability to add additional users has been limited to the Service Desk at this time to reduce the incidence of duplicate accounts. If you are working with a user without a provisioned account in TDX, please alert the Service Desk through the Contact Center channel in Teams or call 740-593-1222 and they can quickly get the user added so you can enter the ticket. They will need to know the following:
First Name     
Last Name 
Primary Email ( email address, if they have one)
Alert / Notification Email – Same as above. Can be changed to a user’s personal email address if they would prefer.

What tickets appear in My Approvals?

You can see tickets awaiting your approval (either individually or on behalf of a group) in the My Approvals section of the My Work application. For a ticket to appear in My Approvals, it must have workflow assigned. Approvals means there is a pending workflow step for you or your group to act upon, such as escalating to another team, approving, or resolving the ticket.

How can I add students without active OHIO IDs as a requestor?

If you are working with a user without a provisioned account in TDX, please alert the Service Desk through the Contact Center channel in Teams or call 740-593-1222 and they can quickly get the user added so you can enter the ticket. They will need to know the following:
First Name     
Last Name 
Primary Email ( email address, if they have one)
Alert / Notification Email – Same as above. Can be changed to a user’s personal email address if they would prefer.

The ability to add additional users has been limited to the Service Desk at this time to reduce the incidence of duplicate accounts.

How do I add an external contact to email notifications?

"When you choose Actions > Update, you will have the option to add external email addresses in the "Other Email Addresses" field. You will need to add the external email address to the update each time you want to send an email notification.

Shows three fields: Notify, Notify Other People, and Other Email Addresses, with the cursor in the third field

When an external user replies to the ticket from an external email address, the reply will update the ticket with a comment and change the ticket status from Waiting for Customer/Vendor to the previous ticket status.

What do end users need to know to submit a ticket?

The process for submitting a ticket for campus users is very straightforward. In addition to the traditional means of contacting the Service Desk through phone, email, chat or in-person, users can now also submit a web form by visiting and clicking on +Create a ticket. There is only one form they can complete, which will be sent to the service desk to triage and add a workflow if needed. Users will receive email notifications when tickets are updated, and they can also track their tickets by visiting and clicking on View my tickets.

How can I add links, bullets or other elements to improve accessibility to tickets?

At this time, TeamDynamix does not offer a rich text editor within ticket comments and descriptions. Links can be entered from inside the tool, but they will retain functionality when added via email. Once knowledge management is implemented, agents will be able to attach knowledge base articles, which do offer more formatting options. An enhancement request to add these features to the ticketing application has been submitted.

How can I see tickets in the HCOM ticketing application?

Only HCOM technicians and TeamDynamix administrators have access to see tickets in the HCOM application. If you need to move a ticket to HCOM, remove the workflow and route it to the Service Desk, which has the ability to move tickets to their application.

How can I tell when a workflow has been manually assigned?

Changes to the workflow will appear in the ticket feed. When a workflow has been manually assigned, it will appear as an update under an agent's name and read "Assigned the [name of workflow] to this incident." When the system has assigned the workflow, the update will be posted by the System and read "Changed Workflow from " " to [name of workflow]."